Water is a precious commodity.
water taps flowing today in Anagni, although it is of good quality, not always be pleasant, for several reasons, first of all the strong presence of scale due to which it is sometimes also have a bad taste and odor.
why many people go to fetch water at the fountain located on Municipal Road Fountain Fucigno whose conduct comes from the mountains Simbruini.
Unfortunately, several people have reported to our association a number of minor problems that could easily be overcome if there's development of some 'good citizens' and a little common sense.
For example, making sure the container you use: Many people equip themselves with dozens of plastic bottles: lots of boxes of bottles per person to fill that much water is lost (because of the neck of the bottle too small) and long time. Not counting the time that is lost when they have dozens of bottles be washed and rinsed first (and so more water wasted), pace of dozens of people who often find themselves in the queue waiting patiently. While not dwelling on the obvious observation
the health of the little plastic container, and the large pollution resulting from the use, the solution to this problem is easily recognizable: just use ghirbe from 5.10 to 20 liters, glass or even plastic (as in this case the use of ghirba lasted for years, as opposed to bottles after a couple of uses become unusable) and you'll save so much water that will not be lost and much time.
And then of course the other suggestion is to present the source with the bottles already cleaned thus saving time a bit 'all.
The result is immediate, certainly less water is wasted and all spare time. Again, I think it's just us and the world will organize a second benefit for all to begin with ourselves.
And drink to all good!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Best Color Tie For Grey Shirt
Presentation of course design methodologies of visual communication
The year 2010
The beginnings of modern culture are characterized by a dual function of the Atlas, it is interesting to note that since the sixteenth century. atlases use the same codes Elements of anatomy books. The report was reversible, because the books had titles like "Anatomiz'ed Geography (1772) enable us to understand how far the company had map. In
anatomical drawings, in addition, borders and frames are exactly as in the tradition of Ptolemaic maps.
This is not surprising since it is not strange to find an essay written by the same author that economy will take care of grammar in a later work, Foucault also points out how in his archeology of knowledge. Always
Foucault writes that the first sign is the dawn of rational thought, and that is the logic of Port Royal, not a word or a cry or a symbol, but the spatial representation or graphic design intended as a map or picture. The framework has to contain only what rappresenta.Questa binary format, as it appears in the seventeenth century the place of a ternary organization that had always been since the first Greek grammar and that the sign representation of a split. The representation has become represented graphically, and mapping, understood as the act of delineating the geographic area assumes precise iconographic characteristics of quail is possible to trace a historical development. The
concept map, perhaps because of the problematic nature of the cognitive paradigm, it is always questionable, if not negative. The maps are the subject of much research in geography and conflict tend to be dismissed as authoritarian and hegemonic instrument.
In colonial maps, the figure is especially significant political and ethnic.
The edges of the maps were populated by figures representing the gender policy. In
cartographic representations, often end up merging soma and maps.
In 1537, John said Bucius Putsch, he drew a map of Europe in the form of shaped donna.Nota as Europe in the form of Virgis, made a tour of Europe. The geographical oddities include
According to the ground
sexualized cultural geographer Gillian Rose, the academic discipline of geography has historically been dominated by men. The art historian Rosaly Deutsche call the geographic scope of the speech "a city of men." Not all of the atlases, however, exclude women from geography. Not only the woman's body ends up in some cases to become a map, but the allegorical images that appear on maps are often the boundaries between gender, fashion, and geography. The European maps will wear the people describe sex and ethnicity and class through the traditional costumes.
With the emergence of fashion and culture of travel, a third element is added to these connections.
books on costume and travel books were designed the same way as somatic atlases and geography.
This shows that gender and art of mapping are clearly linked.
Giuliana Bruno, compares the studio of Isabella d'Este in Mantua, which, in 1505 we did make a copy of the celestial globe and the library of Pope Julius II and put in a room adjacent to a secret garden of contemplation-in a kind of cinema. As in cinematic journey, even in this room was accomplished on a journey.
Madame de Scudery with its Carte de Tendre shows that the mapping is also inextricably linked plasma intersubjectivity female, that is, to quote the psychologist Jessica Benjamin, with the combination of the desire to space
The momentum map of the map Carte de Tendre Madeleine De Scudery, resist, (as other attempts to implement tactics mapping partial conversion), a unique vision and totalizzante.Scudèry instituted a real mode of representation of intimate space. This poignant writing has had several incarnations in geographical maps that connect with the places and living on the boundaries between art, cartography and politics. Since his geographical and literary project, you can draw a parallel story, of what Giuliana Bruno, in his book Atlas of Emotion, defines precisely, and emotional geography that we see materialize in the Atlas of Gerard Richter and the work of many other famous artists and filmmakers.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Corn Flour Side Effect
Pollution and job opportunities
much talked about at this time of the pollution of our "Valley of the bag" and the contemporary crisis in our industrial area. In fact everything was already planned for some time by the experts and it is not nothing but the price they must pay the children for a period of well-being had by our forefathers at the turn of the the 60 'and 70'.
In fact, our area has experienced its golden age with the industrial boom of the sixties that led to a peasant Ciociaria essentially all the wealth and prosperity of that period.
Today we are here to fight against the "collateral damage" of the industrial age.
First, air and land pollution: pollution from time announced, but with which, let's face it, we never really thought of having to deal with it.
And then, after thirty years of well-being, what are we left? A
polluted air, an area flooded with abandoned warehouses and factories that did not take long to reveal their happy Finally, toxic and an economy that can do no more than accept the now definitive disappearance of the now fully migrated to Asia and Eastern Europe.
The years that we are going to put us all continue to face a double challenge: the first is convinced of the idea that the service sector and especially the services on the territory are the major source of economic growth in coming years, the second it means understanding that land reclamation is a key action to safeguard our health and our future.
What is perhaps the union of these two points (and thus the strong development of environmental recovery services) the biggest opportunity for economic development that the future has to offer?
In fact, our area has experienced its golden age with the industrial boom of the sixties that led to a peasant Ciociaria essentially all the wealth and prosperity of that period.
Today we are here to fight against the "collateral damage" of the industrial age.
First, air and land pollution: pollution from time announced, but with which, let's face it, we never really thought of having to deal with it.
And then, after thirty years of well-being, what are we left? A
polluted air, an area flooded with abandoned warehouses and factories that did not take long to reveal their happy Finally, toxic and an economy that can do no more than accept the now definitive disappearance of the now fully migrated to Asia and Eastern Europe.
The years that we are going to put us all continue to face a double challenge: the first is convinced of the idea that the service sector and especially the services on the territory are the major source of economic growth in coming years, the second it means understanding that land reclamation is a key action to safeguard our health and our future.
What is perhaps the union of these two points (and thus the strong development of environmental recovery services) the biggest opportunity for economic development that the future has to offer?
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Acetyl L-carnitine Compared To Adderol
fountains and springs of Anagni
In our area there are fountains that were once available to the public, at home when there was no drinking water. Volunteers Ec thought of recording the existing fountains in the old town of Anagni, there are about twenty, but a few are functioning. Well, a city that boasts to be "cities", proud of its past origins, certainly smacks of presumption. Because it ignores a reality that has made history in the country with the construction of the pipeline coming from the famous "Roton", then with the construction of the aqueduct Sembrivio in the twenties, located at the Fountain tavern, built by one of popes elected in Anagni here, then there are the fountains that were once functional, such as the Park of Remembrance, Piazza S. Michele, Piazza M. D'Azeglio, close to schools and early De Magistris Via Matteotti, fountains in the disuse that certainly does not do justice to the sculptors who created these works for their town.
Volunteers Ec appeal to executives; would be interesting for tourists to take good pictures, then show the way around, making advertising "free".
In our area there are fountains that were once available to the public, at home when there was no drinking water. Volunteers Ec thought of recording the existing fountains in the old town of Anagni, there are about twenty, but a few are functioning. Well, a city that boasts to be "cities", proud of its past origins, certainly smacks of presumption. Because it ignores a reality that has made history in the country with the construction of the pipeline coming from the famous "Roton", then with the construction of the aqueduct Sembrivio in the twenties, located at the Fountain tavern, built by one of popes elected in Anagni here, then there are the fountains that were once functional, such as the Park of Remembrance, Piazza S. Michele, Piazza M. D'Azeglio, close to schools and early De Magistris Via Matteotti, fountains in the disuse that certainly does not do justice to the sculptors who created these works for their town.
Volunteers Ec appeal to executives; would be interesting for tourists to take good pictures, then show the way around, making advertising "free".
Monday, February 15, 2010
Buildextractor Of Co2
Bocconi amari
This post is dedicated to soup kitchens and food handlers hot
and 'known to every now and really can not resist us by the people's business. Sometimes we even turn a blind eye, but then one can not help myself and then talk about it. A member of our
days ago in a bar, which is also fast food, has witnessed a very singular scene: behind the bar was the door through which we can see the kitchen and you could see the cook, with his divided in the company of a gentleman with jacket and scarf careless of where he stood, wandered here and there among the tray of food (Gentlemen, take note) and nibble on the right is missing, fishing for food from the trays by hand , caring obviously choose the best morsel, all of course, unaware of being observed.
Now, this person could also be the owner of the restaurant, also the chef, or who best suits you, but honestly: who'd love to have this behavior?
We know that in many cases unfortunate happens much worse in some kitchens, fortunately, as they say, "No eye has seen, no heart pains," but when the eye sees, at least let us get angry.
This post is dedicated to soup kitchens and food handlers hot
and 'known to every now and really can not resist us by the people's business. Sometimes we even turn a blind eye, but then one can not help myself and then talk about it. A member of our
days ago in a bar, which is also fast food, has witnessed a very singular scene: behind the bar was the door through which we can see the kitchen and you could see the cook, with his divided in the company of a gentleman with jacket and scarf careless of where he stood, wandered here and there among the tray of food (Gentlemen, take note) and nibble on the right is missing, fishing for food from the trays by hand , caring obviously choose the best morsel, all of course, unaware of being observed.
Now, this person could also be the owner of the restaurant, also the chef, or who best suits you, but honestly: who'd love to have this behavior?
We know that in many cases unfortunate happens much worse in some kitchens, fortunately, as they say, "No eye has seen, no heart pains," but when the eye sees, at least let us get angry.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Where Can I Watch Free Sean Cody Movies
Common sense
What you are about to read is not intended as a lecture for no one but already in a previous post, we mentioned the objective difficulties that this country has to remove its barriers and this is a fact. Nevertheless
some structure has been adapted for the disabled, take up an example: ASL offices have adapted a ramp for the disabled, which may be used by the elderly, women with strollers, etc., at the end of this ramp, there is a lift, too big beautiful The problem is not in use. Why? E 'fault, always. Then the disabled, the elderly, women with strollers, etc., which will once the flight?
Another example: the garden pool in Street, the only one with a few trees and some Anagni bench has been redone recently, but no one has thought to make an entrance without steps. Someone may say, but further down there is a gate that leads a parking lot (no public parking, but parking is private) and from there you can also access the square ... sure if it was not down!
An old rickety and not very well pass even a stroller, but a wheelchair?
conclude with another example (but not because there will be more to do)
ramps in the vicinity of the very few sidewalks Anagni, which are almost always near a dumpster, and you will say that c 'is funny? Try to cross without looking! If I'm sitting in a wheelchair, how do I see on the right or left? (As appropriate) Of course if I leave behind, in that case let to you free imagination. Take a stroller, which I sliced \u200b\u200bhalf my son to look left or right?
and ramps where they are impassable for cars parked? There's nothing to say.
If all this seems too much we do know is the newspaper that for some people.
So the premise was that to do paternalistic to anyone, and it is not, but each of us may end up with one of these questions without an answer, but it would be nice to start having some.
What you are about to read is not intended as a lecture for no one but already in a previous post, we mentioned the objective difficulties that this country has to remove its barriers and this is a fact. Nevertheless
some structure has been adapted for the disabled, take up an example: ASL offices have adapted a ramp for the disabled, which may be used by the elderly, women with strollers, etc., at the end of this ramp, there is a lift, too big beautiful The problem is not in use. Why? E 'fault, always. Then the disabled, the elderly, women with strollers, etc., which will once the flight?
Another example: the garden pool in Street, the only one with a few trees and some Anagni bench has been redone recently, but no one has thought to make an entrance without steps. Someone may say, but further down there is a gate that leads a parking lot (no public parking, but parking is private) and from there you can also access the square ... sure if it was not down!
An old rickety and not very well pass even a stroller, but a wheelchair?
conclude with another example (but not because there will be more to do)
ramps in the vicinity of the very few sidewalks Anagni, which are almost always near a dumpster, and you will say that c 'is funny? Try to cross without looking! If I'm sitting in a wheelchair, how do I see on the right or left? (As appropriate) Of course if I leave behind, in that case let to you free imagination. Take a stroller, which I sliced \u200b\u200bhalf my son to look left or right?
and ramps where they are impassable for cars parked? There's nothing to say.
If all this seems too much we do know is the newspaper that for some people.
So the premise was that to do paternalistic to anyone, and it is not, but each of us may end up with one of these questions without an answer, but it would be nice to start having some.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Floating Arm Blueprints
post on 13 November 2009 floods and storms " we made a small summary of some landslides that occurred here in Anagni.
In a very random after fifteen days from the post on the landslide via Calzatora involve any of the technical maintenance staff, who renovated the now missing tapes bollards, and after about a month there was a bad storm, which led to the further disintegration of existing landslide. After the landslide of the bars were placed dissuasive, occupying half of the roadway, in full curve. The point is, before the next time you throw down the wall of earth crumbled completely blocking the road and endangering the safety of a bystander, you could not speak earlier to avoid it? We know it's complicated, but Let us be an idea, maybe working together we can find a solution.
post on January 23, 2009 "danger to the garden of Viale Matteotti".
It 's been one year and five days, the picture below does not need any comment!

Watch South Park On Ipod Touc
Each symbol means, to communicate something, and this' indisputable.
nobody ' indifferent to a symbol, if you notice when you are in front of a symbol new demand and 'quickly made: "What does?
Then each of the 'believes that the value, but there is someone who has' gone beyond that and went too far, read here .

Each symbol means, to communicate something, and this' indisputable.
nobody ' indifferent to a symbol, if you notice when you are in front of a symbol new demand and 'quickly made: "What does?
Then each of the 'believes that the value, but there is someone who has' gone beyond that and went too far, read here .
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Replica Super Bowl Trophy For Sale
Fortunately, that there is parking S. Giorgetto!
Someone cries and some other not. Why?
Because many people who park in S. Giorgetto
while paying the ticket as expected
by municipal rules, he gets fined for not having changed the ticket in time. The parking lot of St.
Giorgetto, as many know, is located near the hospital and office ASL, so people who go to hospital oal'ASL facing this question: what do I do? I lose my turn to wait in line here at my beak or a fine? We ec.anagni
volunteers, evidence of these problems, we would have to propose a possible solution to resolve the issue. All
'car park entrance would be enough to put a bar
passage where you draw a ticket and be entered in
stop on the vehicle. At the time of 'out there will be a column where it will be inserted
previously taken the ticket and pay the sum for the right time and automatically stop the barrier permits the exit of the vehicle.
On holidays may be allowed to break free.
not science fiction, in other cities is the norm.
With a simple management and investment costs, limited
you could avoid the problems and the continuing criticism that the current management arise.
We try to propose this solution, hoping that someone will make good use.
Someone cries and some other not. Why?
Because many people who park in S. Giorgetto
while paying the ticket as expected
by municipal rules, he gets fined for not having changed the ticket in time. The parking lot of St.
Giorgetto, as many know, is located near the hospital and office ASL, so people who go to hospital oal'ASL facing this question: what do I do? I lose my turn to wait in line here at my beak or a fine? We ec.anagni
volunteers, evidence of these problems, we would have to propose a possible solution to resolve the issue. All
'car park entrance would be enough to put a bar
passage where you draw a ticket and be entered in
stop on the vehicle. At the time of 'out there will be a column where it will be inserted
previously taken the ticket and pay the sum for the right time and automatically stop the barrier permits the exit of the vehicle.
On holidays may be allowed to break free.
not science fiction, in other cities is the norm.
With a simple management and investment costs, limited
you could avoid the problems and the continuing criticism that the current management arise.
We try to propose this solution, hoping that someone will make good use.
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