In my city 'you see weird things! You see
motorists who ignore the meaning of the strips and you pedestrian complain if some pawn rightly protest.
You see people who say "no parking" does not apply if one dwells on them!
But the beautiful thing is that in my city you see s egnali unknown road!
If we look at the pictures, we see c h there are 7 yellow stripes, which educe d and that 'a place reserved parking of cars disabled people, but what "beautiful" and that there is an intricate design, which honestly tells us little or nothing! The strips should elimitare
of a parking space, but quell'intrcato game stric what is supposed to mean??
but we see that the code says about the road!
The demarcation of the parking stalls and 'carried out by tracing the pavement width of 12 cm strips forming a rectangle, or with strips of demarcation L or T, indicating the beginning or the end of the division of the stalls within which it must 'be parked the vehicle.
- The colors of the strips delineation of parking stalls are
- white for unpaid parking stalls;
- blue parking stalls for a fee;
- yellow for reserved parking stalls.
- The reserved parking stalls to bear the name, symbol or by entering the category of vehicle which the stall and 'confidential.
- The parking stalls reserved for disabled persons must be marked by yellow lines and marked on the pavement dall'apposito symbol must also be accompanied by a free space required to allow the opening of the door vehicle as well as' the movement of entry and exit from the vehicle, or to allow access to the sidewalk
(Reference http://www.patente.it/codice/reg40b.htm)
Then we can deduce that in my city 'seats are reserved for the ships!
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