dangerous traffic
We would not be more catastrophic than usual but you must be blind not to realize that there are major anomalies in the municipal area that should be resolved, or occasionally patrolled by the police authorities.
We refer to some dangerous situations that occur daily in traffic Anagni.
The first concerns the way of Via Health (CUP high street store and GL): there is no sidewalk, and despite the fact that for some years been made of metal barriers to protect pedestrians, now the obligatory route for pedestrians left the road, which is very busy and narrow. Just passed through the moments of greatest frequency (the time peak of revenue to schools and expenditure) for them to remain locked.
The other critical point is at rush hour Porta S. Francis, where is the stop for buses, school buses, the two rows of parked cars adjacent to the bar and the van of selling fruit and vegetables, all in full curve.
In both of the points listed daily traffic situations occur extremely dangerous with a little 'common sense could be avoided. And the good sense, with the presence of traffic wardens, it is known that increases a lot.
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