The Italian state when there ', and' only an enemy to law-abiding citizens!
is known 'that rewards only the bad guys, but that' another story, we come to the facts!
happens that the Puglia region is closing (or has already 'done) in several hospitals throughout the country, the big boss (Vendola) says you need to rationalize the situation, but the citizens of such Spinazzola , are not as' agree with him!
The fact 'that the Hospital Spinazzola have already closed, and spinazzolesi , had the great idea to hold a referendum asking people whether to stay or go in Puglia Basilicata !
So far, it should be a bit strange as the idea, but we can 'feel, but what is even more ' crazy, and 'that at least in the vicinity of Spinazzola, but in Basilicata, wants to go to Puglia, ie ' sink.
summary, two municipalities that are considered outcasts from their current regions would go through the border region!
Well, which one will win the '??
Both or neither?? And if you are
again excluded from their new regions?
The State has deprived us of the sense of belonging unhappy with his presence disinterested ! What future can
'have a people without roots, without belonging to a territory?
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