Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Where To Buy Tacky Christmas Sweaters In Canada
INDEX (signals)
Unlike other types of signs, the signal has a feature that is not only represents a direction of communication, but an order, a prohibition or a 'warning. In its form, both as a sign that such registration, the signal is imposed in the field of vision as' observer almost against his will. We move at speeds that are not natural ones, and the time needed to recognize the mind of a dangerous situation is no longer commensurate with the speed of travel, indeed, is often higher than the human capacity for reaction. The signal has the task, then, to provoke a reaction in the observer immediata.Come new feature of our environment, traffic signals have significantly influenced the structure of our perceptions. They can be ordered in a hierarchy on the strength of the prescription, and then classified as shown in the examples of typical signs of Frutiger ban (forbidden to enter, stop, parking is prohibited) prohibition qualified (only for deliveries, residents only); explicit ban (prohibited roundabout turn left) prescription (single-lane speed limit) information (dangerous intersection curve); direction (signposted, information about places and distances). The shapes of the panels of the signals, take into account the intensity of the visual. The circular panels, which have some similarity with an open hand, are more visible than the background. The circle and the oblique line in a more marked contrast with the urban environment, and so many sign panels with a content of prohibition are drawn in a form that captures the attention, such as diamond or triangle. It is interesting to note that a triangle with the top down raises the strong impression of a command, while the inverted triangle at the top has a meaning of warning. One reason for this effect is attributable to the traditional form of the village, with sloping roofs and the quotes above, a familiar form that has its place in the human subconscious (see drawings in Adrian Frutinger Signs & Symbols, and Alternative Press ..) square or rectangular shapes, however, tend to be overwhelmed by the overall landscape of the city, which mostly consists of forms of the same type. The primary coÌore red is chosen as the most characteristic prohibitions for instructions or warnings of danger from the quantitative point of view, red is This only points in the natural landscape and not in large areas, existing only in exceptional situations, such as flowers, always as the primary color. The color green, however, which is always visible in the wild in large areas, is not suitable for signage, the color blue is used only for the signals of an invitation or direction.
For dozens of years, half of the pictographic signs for information leading to an overall change in reading habits and we can say that it is not possible to give information without the use of a number pictograms. The pictograms are becoming more and more in directional and informational signs. The main reason for this popularity is the necessary limitation on the size of the panels and the fact that they must bring the information in summary form. The second reason for the increased use of pictograms is the difference between languages. Roads and railways, sea and air routes across the borders of nations, peoples and languages. Entries require multilingual support large and the information loss of clarity. Air traffic may be an exception, as it entrusts the understanding of a bilingual system, formed from time to time by the national language and English, now considered the international language of air. There is also a new branch graphic design, said wayfounding, which is the study and application of psychological knowledge and perception that are used for proper and effective interior and exterior signage. One of the most important factors to consider in designing the modern guidance systems is a kind of anxiety that can be called "neurosis the doorway." The psychological attitude of a person who seeks the path is different depending on whether you are inside or outside a building. Until that is located outdoors, the ability of independent decision remains fully visible and the external environment is a definite point of reference. Entered into a building for the first time, however, the visitor tends to lose confidence in their decision-making capacity and is forced to ask for help and guidance. In most cases an officer will try to request information verbally. At airports and train stations to the emotional factor is particularly important, as a result of lack of time or fear of flying or taking the wrong train. The visitor to a public office, the post office at the police station and hospital, but loses some of its sense of direction and seek verbal information.
The image as sign, as part of a communications system, has considerable value embossed. It is attempted to study this power to shock but to be very cautious as a sign, the image implies a weakness, we say that a major difficulty lies in its polysemic character. An image radiates different ways, which do not always know to master this way, what the image gains in impressività often loses clarity. And do not forget that communication is only one aspect of language. Language is also a faculty of conceptualization, organization of the world, and thus is much more than simple communication. The animals, for example, communicate well with each other or humans. What distinguishes man the animal is not communication, and symbolization, that is not the invention of signs analogue At present, the image falls mainly in the sphere of communication. It has been said and repeated that we have entered into a civilization of the image. But he never forgets that there is virtually no picture without words, be they in the form of legend, comment, sub. According
Tomas Maldonado "phonogram is a graphic whose referent is an expression of phonologically. For example, the word 'stop' on road signs, pictograms and an iconic sign whose referent is an object or a particular class of objects or yet the particular quality or action that the class of objects may designate. For example, the graphic representation of two children in the running to school on road signs indicate output E. ..] finally is a graphic diagram not iconic or low degree of iconicity. Normally, the diagram is used to describe an event or process or how or where you play an event or process. On road signs, for example, the triangle to signal danger 'generically. The second group mentioned by Maldonado, includes signs that, as a realistic figure, usually in the form of silhouettes, leave no doubt about the meaning, regardless of the language and way of life of those who sees them. A cigarette crossed out and the receiver of the phone are information that has become universally understood. The third type includes diagrams whose meaning is not comprehensible at first glance and requires some mental work. This is the case of traffic signs as those for 'priority' and 'traffic in both directions'. In this group there are many examples of signs whose meaning remains doubtful many people even after many years of use. For example signals consist of a combination of abstract elements or indicators that are not based on pictorial but abstract signs, which require an adequate learning time. Once absorbed into the subconscious, as the signs of the alphabet, But they are included immediately. The clearest examples of this category are the signs of 'one-way street' and 'forbidden direction', now even used for footpaths, universally known and respected. the red, yellow and green traffic lights in the same category of signals from the conventional meaning. The sign of the arrow, can be included in the same group. Complex problems arise pictographic design when it comes to services rather than specific items, eg 'customs',' Lost Property ',' self-service ',' waiting room ',' baggage ',' luggage in custody '. The problem of indicating the toilet will probably never be solved except through verbal cues, because the distinction between men and women, represented in the West with pants and skirt, does not work everywhere. It was precisely the need to find appropriate answers and meaning of Bili, non-repetitive or trivial, to specific needs in the field of signs, which is increasingly required in today's world and that has led many renowned designers and visual spend money in hand ' last decade as a classical repertoire of signs, such as those for public transport or road traffic, no sinking their origins in the pioneering efforts of the Italian Touring Club of the late nineteenth century, in the twentieth century to find a fertile ground for development in the 'Vienna method "by Otto Neurath, later known as Isotype, International System of Typographic Picture Education," a world language without words "designed for the statistical representation (see Men, pictograms of 1936 designed Dutch Gerd Arntz 11900-19881). But this is not enough to explain the peculiar attraction that features pittogrammatica, over a more recent time, the personal research of many contemporary charts. The best series of pictograms for air traffic, according Frutiger, is that developed by the American Institute of Graphic Arts as legislation for the United States (see images). Also apply Here, however, all the various reservations already expressed about the efficacy of different types of signs.
signs on street maps and pictographic systems to guide visitors, signs for the operation of devices.
The reaction of the traveler to the signs printed, we can in a sense be regarded as virtual signals, is fundamentally different than the real signal to the public. Public systems of signs require immediate recognition chin in traffic, while the signs printed, viewed in the situation is calmer, may have contained much more complex. A time card or car may make use of signs for the purpose of guidance or information, with explanation their meanings in other parts of the document, as in the footnotes of the books. The collection of information and the planning and preparation for a trip takes place in an atmosphere of relaxation, almost meditative, while the journey itself subjects the traveler to set conditions of time and place, as its dependence on traffic rules and punctuality of public transport. The signs for cards and car for the times, however, must be simplified in the more stylized form as possible, as shall be kept legible at small sizes.
In the context of increasingly frequent organization of large groups of people for cultural, sports or political, is increasing the need for new guidance systems. Because such events are limited in time and space, and they expect visitors relaxed, willing to have fun, it is our opinion that the design of information systems should be entrusted to local designers, original signs that carry out explicitly. (See pictures) should be respected, however, one exception: the provision of safety, for obvious reasons, must have a strong international standardization.
A modern washing machine or stereo equipment are hidden inside the cabinet. The diagrams of the electrical system that are given with the device can be read only to specialists and for this reason are often hidden inside the unit itself. The fact remains that the modern equipment becomes increasingly abstract and complex and must therefore be accompanied by detailed instructions. The design and preparation of these statements are delicate and difficult for any manufacturer. A typical example of the contradictions involved is the use of colors. The experience of the road, people have learned that red means stop and green moving, while red is in electrical contact, ie movement (instead of stop), and the green inactivity. Similarly, the instructions for turning a knob to cause many problems. Descriptions and explanations often lead to verbal instructions clumsily expressed and even incomprehensible because of poor translations, and so each manufacturer tries to develop pictograms do not need words. It will take generations to achieve a general and unified solution to this problem, especially with regard to the learning process, as it should be started afresh, with practically every type of device. The standardization of graphic signs, however, advances in a variety of fields and it seems that the basic rules of a language universally understood signs have been taken.
Can You Make Brownies With Corn Oil
Lesson Lesson 31 March 24 March
The world of signs, from what emerges is very very complex and varied and so is one of several proposals for their classification.
From the perspective of "who does sign" or the sender, the signs can be divided into three categories: voluntary and involuntary signs, signs, intentional or unintentional, signs of expression or communication. .
The difference between the first two categories is very subtle.
Signs involuntary, as all the symptoms of disease are produced completely unintentionally, while volunteers are made aware and conscious by those issues.
The voluntariness, however, is independent intentionality, which is directed toward the interpretation of the recipient. For example, an account is how to tie his shoes for an athlete to avoid falls or injury to the ankle and another is to bring some type of lacing to follow a trend. In the first case the act is voluntary, but if you can recognize that kind of sport by the way, running shoes, a sign, albeit voluntary has not been produced with the intention of being recognized in the second, but if you want intentionally communicating something. A sign can therefore be voluntary, but unintentional, or it can be both voluntary and intentional, as when you play the horn at a traffic light. It 's impossible to think of intentional signs rather than volunteers.
A sign is not voluntary, however, is often not intentional.
E 'difficult if not impossible to think of a sign is not voluntary and intentional.
Regarding the relationship between expressive and communicative signs, we can say that all signs are potentially expressive communication. In the absence of an interpreter, however, the signs of expression are not commonly a person completely tattooed, for example, when alone at home, but it is expressive communication. From the perspective of those who receive them, but the signs can be distinguished happy in signs, signs unhappy, and competitors. Happy are those signs that are issued by the sender and interpreted correctly by the recipient. The signs "unhappy" are those that are interpreted as signs by the recipient without being such.
competitors in the category of signs are considered to be the interpretation of the sender to the recipient about a particular sign.
The signs were the subject of numerous taxonomies, starting from the most famous of Peirce, who divides them into symbols, indices and icons to the definition of a sign of Maria del Carmen Bobes Naves, which includes all the definitions of the signs in a subdivision of three groups.
A) representative or referential definitions, where the signifier refers to the meaning, or vehicle sign to the referent.
B) behaviorist behaviorist or where exactly you put in the light and the effect that the sender has the recipient sign wondering what is the purpose of communication (not about the natural signs).
C) or conventional functional definitions that indicate the arbitrariness of the sign vehicle and referent.
The number and function of the elements involved in the communication have been the subject of many studies and proposals.
note.Il reviewed the philosopher-psychologist Karl Bühler has identified three places in relation to each other by the communication process:
sender, recipient, objects and events.
The sign language can have such different values \u200b\u200band functions based on these three elements.
In relation to the object of communication, the sign may be a symbol or representation.
In relation to the issuer may be a sign or symptom expression. Any communication, in fact, born on the mood of the sender, his world view, etc.. According to the force with which the expression reaches the receiver can be signal or appeal.
It symbol by virtue of its correspondence to objects and events, it is symptom (index indicium) on the basis dipependenza its issuer, whose interior is an expression, and signal by virtue of his appeal to the listener, which directs the behavior inside and outside.
The scheme has been extended by Bühler Jakobson, who has identified six elements involved in human communication and associated with each of them a function of the message.
Jakobson's schema elements are:
1) the sender
2) the recipient
3) the context (the universe within which the communication takes place)
4) the message (object exchange, sounds, text , how to dress etc.).
5) channel (the medium through which the communication, eg. visual noise ...)
6) code (a structured system for the production of signs as a language)
Each of these elements associated Jakobson a function:
1) emotional, associated with the sender, what he thinks, feels the symptom.
2) from the Latin-conative conor, stress-associated with the recipient on which the sender attempts to produce an effect.
3) fatigue, associated with the channel whose operation should always be verified. Es clear his throat or try a microphone.
4) referenziale.Permette refer to the context. Note that the word-Cotesta previous text or contiguous to the statement may be a case of contextualization)
5) metalinguistic makes possible the description of the code. Eg HTML, along with the code that contains a description of the code.
6) on the poetic message. Pay attention to its shape, for example looking phonetically pleasing shapes to convey a message.
Another classification of the elements of the communication is given by Shannon and Weaver, two engineers during World War II identified seven elements involved in the communication process.
1) the broadcaster, which transmits the message
2) the signal that conveys the message
3) the message
4) the recipient, the recipient of the message physically
5) the recipient to whom the message is directed
6) the source from which the issuer has heard the message
7) the noise that can disturb the message. The
noise can be technical in nature and become a real disorder or semantics, where a parallel stream of thoughts which lowers the concentration. Shannon and Weaver
means of communication as information and for information intended not so much the content of the message but the predictability of the signal. If the signal is very predictable and redundant, if it is not very predictable and entropy, the more the signal is redundant, the more one is safe from misinterpretation.
The care of the signal for Shannon and W. is sufficient to ensure good communication.
In the case of human communication, but the factors involved are many. Unlike Jakobson S. and W. do not take into account the context is so important to understand the references to shared knowledge or the subtle nuances, ironies ect ..
human communication, it is far more complex than a simple exchange of information.
The organization of the signs in the codes is a phenomenon with which we are in daily contact, just think of the great shared code as that of the road, or the Civil Code, or restricted to the code used by communities of people or military communication systems.
From a formal point of view we can consider the code as a set of elements and rules for their correct composition.
Thus, a set of terms and rules.
Morse code, for example, is a set of rules to associate codes with other signs of the terms defined by them.
While there are natural languages, the codes are not natural. In addition, some codes raise the significance and meaning in a strictly two-way relationship.
The Highway Code, for example, always associated with a specific meaning to each sign.
If a traffic sign has a blue circle in a red circle crossed out in red always mean that it is a driveway. E if a metal sign with this sign is placed on a gate we can not interpret it based on its position or because he wants to wear its colors always say to free the passage. Street signs have only two states: active or inactive.
codes often have a clause that allows you to determine which signs belong to a given set, or that code, and then contain a criterion of decidability.
If starting from any element can determine whether or not belongs to a code, your code is fully decidable. In Italian, for example, there are two criteria: if a word has more than four consonants in a row, or if you have more than five vowels in a row does not belong to the Italian language.
So we can generate a lot of signs or words, but not all will be pertinentizzati in a certain language.
If you look at a traffic light for example, we see that about eight combinations, while only three or four are in a pertinetizzate signicato.Un traffic lights can be turned on with all three lights simultaneously, or in pairs, or one by one, or off, but all the traffic lights were not those who use our traffic laws are not useless, but they serve to indicate a malfunction in a redundant fashion.
remains valid for any code, the analysis showed that Charles Morris about distinguishing the study of human languages \u200b\u200bin:
syntax- study of the relationship of a sign with each other.
Semantics-study of the relationship between a sign and its meaning
Pragmatics-the study of a sign in relation to those who use them
In the case of traffic lights the syntactic and the way in which they alternate the lights, the meanings are the syntactic color, pragmatics is their use in specific cases.
For example, if a person is coming to an intersection with a green light to the other side and saw a truck that has no intention of abiding by the traffic lights, even if the code suggests to pass, will no doubt do so.
The world of signs, from what emerges is very very complex and varied and so is one of several proposals for their classification.
From the perspective of "who does sign" or the sender, the signs can be divided into three categories: voluntary and involuntary signs, signs, intentional or unintentional, signs of expression or communication. .
The difference between the first two categories is very subtle.
Signs involuntary, as all the symptoms of disease are produced completely unintentionally, while volunteers are made aware and conscious by those issues.
The voluntariness, however, is independent intentionality, which is directed toward the interpretation of the recipient. For example, an account is how to tie his shoes for an athlete to avoid falls or injury to the ankle and another is to bring some type of lacing to follow a trend. In the first case the act is voluntary, but if you can recognize that kind of sport by the way, running shoes, a sign, albeit voluntary has not been produced with the intention of being recognized in the second, but if you want intentionally communicating something. A sign can therefore be voluntary, but unintentional, or it can be both voluntary and intentional, as when you play the horn at a traffic light. It 's impossible to think of intentional signs rather than volunteers.
A sign is not voluntary, however, is often not intentional.
E 'difficult if not impossible to think of a sign is not voluntary and intentional.
Regarding the relationship between expressive and communicative signs, we can say that all signs are potentially expressive communication. In the absence of an interpreter, however, the signs of expression are not commonly a person completely tattooed, for example, when alone at home, but it is expressive communication. From the perspective of those who receive them, but the signs can be distinguished happy in signs, signs unhappy, and competitors. Happy are those signs that are issued by the sender and interpreted correctly by the recipient. The signs "unhappy" are those that are interpreted as signs by the recipient without being such.
competitors in the category of signs are considered to be the interpretation of the sender to the recipient about a particular sign.
The signs were the subject of numerous taxonomies, starting from the most famous of Peirce, who divides them into symbols, indices and icons to the definition of a sign of Maria del Carmen Bobes Naves, which includes all the definitions of the signs in a subdivision of three groups.
A) representative or referential definitions, where the signifier refers to the meaning, or vehicle sign to the referent.
B) behaviorist behaviorist or where exactly you put in the light and the effect that the sender has the recipient sign wondering what is the purpose of communication (not about the natural signs).
C) or conventional functional definitions that indicate the arbitrariness of the sign vehicle and referent.
The number and function of the elements involved in the communication have been the subject of many studies and proposals.
note.Il reviewed the philosopher-psychologist Karl Bühler has identified three places in relation to each other by the communication process:
sender, recipient, objects and events.
The sign language can have such different values \u200b\u200band functions based on these three elements.
In relation to the object of communication, the sign may be a symbol or representation.
In relation to the issuer may be a sign or symptom expression. Any communication, in fact, born on the mood of the sender, his world view, etc.. According to the force with which the expression reaches the receiver can be signal or appeal.
It symbol by virtue of its correspondence to objects and events, it is symptom (index indicium) on the basis dipependenza its issuer, whose interior is an expression, and signal by virtue of his appeal to the listener, which directs the behavior inside and outside.
The scheme has been extended by Bühler Jakobson, who has identified six elements involved in human communication and associated with each of them a function of the message.
Jakobson's schema elements are:
1) the sender
2) the recipient
3) the context (the universe within which the communication takes place)
4) the message (object exchange, sounds, text , how to dress etc.).
5) channel (the medium through which the communication, eg. visual noise ...)
6) code (a structured system for the production of signs as a language)
Each of these elements associated Jakobson a function:
1) emotional, associated with the sender, what he thinks, feels the symptom.
2) from the Latin-conative conor, stress-associated with the recipient on which the sender attempts to produce an effect.
3) fatigue, associated with the channel whose operation should always be verified. Es clear his throat or try a microphone.
4) referenziale.Permette refer to the context. Note that the word-Cotesta previous text or contiguous to the statement may be a case of contextualization)
5) metalinguistic makes possible the description of the code. Eg HTML, along with the code that contains a description of the code.
6) on the poetic message. Pay attention to its shape, for example looking phonetically pleasing shapes to convey a message.
Another classification of the elements of the communication is given by Shannon and Weaver, two engineers during World War II identified seven elements involved in the communication process.
1) the broadcaster, which transmits the message
2) the signal that conveys the message
3) the message
4) the recipient, the recipient of the message physically
5) the recipient to whom the message is directed
6) the source from which the issuer has heard the message
7) the noise that can disturb the message. The
noise can be technical in nature and become a real disorder or semantics, where a parallel stream of thoughts which lowers the concentration. Shannon and Weaver
means of communication as information and for information intended not so much the content of the message but the predictability of the signal. If the signal is very predictable and redundant, if it is not very predictable and entropy, the more the signal is redundant, the more one is safe from misinterpretation.
The care of the signal for Shannon and W. is sufficient to ensure good communication.
In the case of human communication, but the factors involved are many. Unlike Jakobson S. and W. do not take into account the context is so important to understand the references to shared knowledge or the subtle nuances, ironies ect ..
human communication, it is far more complex than a simple exchange of information.
The organization of the signs in the codes is a phenomenon with which we are in daily contact, just think of the great shared code as that of the road, or the Civil Code, or restricted to the code used by communities of people or military communication systems.
From a formal point of view we can consider the code as a set of elements and rules for their correct composition.
Thus, a set of terms and rules.
Morse code, for example, is a set of rules to associate codes with other signs of the terms defined by them.
While there are natural languages, the codes are not natural. In addition, some codes raise the significance and meaning in a strictly two-way relationship.
The Highway Code, for example, always associated with a specific meaning to each sign.
If a traffic sign has a blue circle in a red circle crossed out in red always mean that it is a driveway. E if a metal sign with this sign is placed on a gate we can not interpret it based on its position or because he wants to wear its colors always say to free the passage. Street signs have only two states: active or inactive.
codes often have a clause that allows you to determine which signs belong to a given set, or that code, and then contain a criterion of decidability.
If starting from any element can determine whether or not belongs to a code, your code is fully decidable. In Italian, for example, there are two criteria: if a word has more than four consonants in a row, or if you have more than five vowels in a row does not belong to the Italian language.
So we can generate a lot of signs or words, but not all will be pertinentizzati in a certain language.
If you look at a traffic light for example, we see that about eight combinations, while only three or four are in a pertinetizzate signicato.Un traffic lights can be turned on with all three lights simultaneously, or in pairs, or one by one, or off, but all the traffic lights were not those who use our traffic laws are not useless, but they serve to indicate a malfunction in a redundant fashion.
remains valid for any code, the analysis showed that Charles Morris about distinguishing the study of human languages \u200b\u200bin:
syntax- study of the relationship of a sign with each other.
Semantics-study of the relationship between a sign and its meaning
Pragmatics-the study of a sign in relation to those who use them
In the case of traffic lights the syntactic and the way in which they alternate the lights, the meanings are the syntactic color, pragmatics is their use in specific cases.
For example, if a person is coming to an intersection with a green light to the other side and saw a truck that has no intention of abiding by the traffic lights, even if the code suggests to pass, will no doubt do so.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Tingling In Legs And Compression Fractures
Winter in living memory
The other day at the farm "La Retranga" Mr. Antonio Imperia, Via Collacciano, Anagni, there was a meeting between the volunteers Ec.Anagni and some older farmers in the area. The subject was exceptional again this year, rainfall: a rainy winter so he could not remember since 1969. Everybody but especially the younger ones because we were asking for that year. Farmers point out that even though it was raining profusely now as the area responded quite well to this, because most land was still processed, protected by the works of the drainage ditch, through which the water flowed without causing damage. Because there are not many industries and housing land could drain the rain much better, but now, with tens of thousands of square meters of land covered by concrete, the basement can not quite bear much water. The absence of any major maintenance and prevention of any work will do the rest.
Today, after forty years, many industrial sites have been closed and others will close, with the result that farmers are no more because the area has been industrialized, the children of farmers have lost their jobs (but longer has the peasant culture), but thankfully they realized that nature is like neglecting the damage himself. However, we volunteers we work toward those who do not take these precautions to preserve the environment, such as logging and do not care for the ditches.
The other day at the farm "La Retranga" Mr. Antonio Imperia, Via Collacciano, Anagni, there was a meeting between the volunteers Ec.Anagni and some older farmers in the area. The subject was exceptional again this year, rainfall: a rainy winter so he could not remember since 1969. Everybody but especially the younger ones because we were asking for that year. Farmers point out that even though it was raining profusely now as the area responded quite well to this, because most land was still processed, protected by the works of the drainage ditch, through which the water flowed without causing damage. Because there are not many industries and housing land could drain the rain much better, but now, with tens of thousands of square meters of land covered by concrete, the basement can not quite bear much water. The absence of any major maintenance and prevention of any work will do the rest.
Today, after forty years, many industrial sites have been closed and others will close, with the result that farmers are no more because the area has been industrialized, the children of farmers have lost their jobs (but longer has the peasant culture), but thankfully they realized that nature is like neglecting the damage himself. However, we volunteers we work toward those who do not take these precautions to preserve the environment, such as logging and do not care for the ditches.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Escort,east Indian,usa
"fire destroyer"
It is said that Emperor Nero is left petrified to see Rome burn. But
are just rumors.
About 2000 years after a minister was smiling and excited to see a huge bonfire '.
had himself photographed with a 45 teeth and smiles while the flames flared up!
wonder how it feels at times?
After years of hard work for the institutions and 'a great satisfaction be photographed in a bonfire before '.
But I wonder, in a civil and devoured Paes problems but 1000, a fine example of ecology could be done??
Why 'is not that huge pile of paper' s nanny recycled ??????
was not difficult, it would be enough for a truck and everything in a beautiful green island, and some nice pictures would not be unwelcome. But all this has a
s enso in a civilized and normal , instead here ...............
It is said that Emperor Nero is left petrified to see Rome burn. But
are just rumors.
About 2000 years after a minister was smiling and excited to see a huge bonfire '.
had himself photographed with a 45 teeth and smiles while the flames flared up!
wonder how it feels at times?
After years of hard work for the institutions and 'a great satisfaction be photographed in a bonfire before '.
But I wonder, in a civil and devoured Paes problems but 1000, a fine example of ecology could be done??
Why 'is not that huge pile of paper' s nanny recycled ??????
was not difficult, it would be enough for a truck and everything in a beautiful green island, and some nice pictures would not be unwelcome. But all this has a
s enso in a civilized and normal , instead here ...............
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Do The Testes Hurt With Hernias
I worry when they tell me not to worry if
happens every day we encounter situations more or less strange and uses the famous phrase "DO NOT WORRY THE .
Well, this sentence makes me anxious, because ' universally there to worry when one tells you.
It always happens that the thing goes wrong and I will "worry" indeed!
E 'and a phrase' entered the common parlance, this is not casually and without the worry "effects" worrying "that can 'cause!
to say it rarely happens to me this sentence, but after I apologize to my partner .
variants are less worrying " 're comfortable, "" No problem ", or" gonna 'be alright ".
I a explanation I have, I think in my mind the words bad or worrying " immediately put us on alert, even if those words are associated with the denial.
For example, if I do not have to worry , I think now the concern but not the fact of being quiet.
In conclusion, please do not tell me "Do not worry.
happens every day we encounter situations more or less strange and uses the famous phrase "DO NOT WORRY THE .
Well, this sentence makes me anxious, because ' universally there to worry when one tells you.
It always happens that the thing goes wrong and I will "worry" indeed!
E 'and a phrase' entered the common parlance, this is not casually and without the worry "effects" worrying "that can 'cause!
to say it rarely happens to me this sentence, but after I apologize to my partner .
variants are less worrying " 're comfortable, "" No problem ", or" gonna 'be alright ".
I a explanation I have, I think in my mind the words bad or worrying " immediately put us on alert, even if those words are associated with the denial.
For example, if I do not have to worry , I think now the concern but not the fact of being quiet.
In conclusion, please do not tell me "Do not worry.
Lupus Rash On Shoulders
How to save money to our common
How to save money to our town.
In our country there is a public garden, where you can bring children to walk or sit on a bench and enjoy the beautiful country and that is why the town wanted to give their citizens a green space, taking in 'Rent' (say ) the gardens of Via Matteotti property of the school, "Regina Margherita".
E 'was a good idea? Initially, probably yes, but then the park has slowly fallen into a state of decay, there are many factors that have contributed:
the structure of the garden consists of a single input, whereas if he had a second entrance / exit would surely be more popular;
is disused and the old bar, which we have amply discussed in this post [-] ,
the park is by no means watched, and then left to itself has become the meeting point par excellence for students, or skip school, or to harm the structure already in pieces, or throw balls down the street lamps, or smoking.
As time passes the damage is becoming more and more degraded the park, with the added risk that someone might become injured in some stupid game to bully. We would like to suggest
common - there are many volunteers who, if encouraged, could monitor the structure;
- firefighters could take a trip to the park a couple of times a day, in ever-changing times, to give a greater feeling control;
-groped to fix (if not restore at least clean) the structure and then try to organize events in the park (including those organized by private) riavvicinino the Anagni structure.
extreme measure, and could be close to the structure, given that only goes to the common expenses, charges clearly unnecessary if the park is so little known. We
volunteers (and others) have noticed that, unfortunately, in the gardens there come more mothers with children, elderly, etc., has become solely a haven for skipping school without being seen by Mom and Dad.
How to save money to our town.
In our country there is a public garden, where you can bring children to walk or sit on a bench and enjoy the beautiful country and that is why the town wanted to give their citizens a green space, taking in 'Rent' (say ) the gardens of Via Matteotti property of the school, "Regina Margherita".
E 'was a good idea? Initially, probably yes, but then the park has slowly fallen into a state of decay, there are many factors that have contributed:
the structure of the garden consists of a single input, whereas if he had a second entrance / exit would surely be more popular;
is disused and the old bar, which we have amply discussed in this post [-] ,
the park is by no means watched, and then left to itself has become the meeting point par excellence for students, or skip school, or to harm the structure already in pieces, or throw balls down the street lamps, or smoking.
As time passes the damage is becoming more and more degraded the park, with the added risk that someone might become injured in some stupid game to bully. We would like to suggest
common - there are many volunteers who, if encouraged, could monitor the structure;
- firefighters could take a trip to the park a couple of times a day, in ever-changing times, to give a greater feeling control;
-groped to fix (if not restore at least clean) the structure and then try to organize events in the park (including those organized by private) riavvicinino the Anagni structure.
extreme measure, and could be close to the structure, given that only goes to the common expenses, charges clearly unnecessary if the park is so little known. We
volunteers (and others) have noticed that, unfortunately, in the gardens there come more mothers with children, elderly, etc., has become solely a haven for skipping school without being seen by Mom and Dad.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
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Science that has as its object the study of signs, their classification, comparison, and analysis of
all processes in which the signs are involved. We can recognize in it two principles:
A) the classification of signs as semiotic
B) semiotics as an investigation of communication processes.
This discipline covers the fields of systems to identify compounds and to study the signs their internal relations. She is also to explain the communicative acts as practical uses of signs. According to Jakobson
semiotics to the existence of different systems of signs and wonders about the problem of the sign as a general concept than the particular classes.
Semiotics deals with signs without stated, leaving the linguistic study of linguistic signs and especially the historical and natural languages. Next we find that at the end of semiotics semiotics of French origin, which focuses on the linguistic dimension philological than philosophical. The French tradition of semiology
born with Ferdinand de Saussure, the first professor of linguistics at the University of Geneva. De Saussure is the proponent of a model in which the sign consists of signifier and meaning, where meaning is the concept which the sign relates and the signifier is the vehicle through which meaning is evoked.
The linguistic sign unites not a thing and a name, but a concept and an acoustic image This is not the sound material, which is purely physical, but psychic trace of this sound, the representation given to us by the testimony of our senses.
For de Saussure, a linguistic system that can operate it is necessary that the signifiers are different from each other, it considers the links between conventional and arbitrary meaning and significance. A sign is because this is another sign. Illustrates this principle with the example of chess.
If I lose or break your horse on a chessboard, I can replace it with a button or a bottle cap, but not with a tower or a pedestrian, on pain of equivocation.
The modern tradition of semiotics, Peirce Peirce.Secondo came into being with the sign is the result of an interaction of three elements, the vehicle sign, the interpretant (which may be another sign or just the thought of who implements the sign) , and the contact person, that is the real object.
between meaning and significance, there is no direct link but there is more than half a mediation, an access to reality, finding the meaning of a sign, therefore, always requires the intervention of an interpretant.
We can represent the triad of Peirce's semiotics through a triangle, the so-called semiotic triangle:
Gottlob Frege To the contrary, are connected to the sign the denotation of the sign and its meaning.
Frege called Sinn and Bedeutung sign the meaning of the reference object. Each sign is tied to something designated, known as Meaning (Bedeutung), but also the way in which it is expressed, the SENSE (Sinn). This is because the effect may vary even if it is related to the same object, because communication is never neutral and the contact person can be reached through different paths, then the way is the way in which the object is given to us. "The arrangement of words in general is not indifferent," because each type of composition of the same words corresponds to a different logical connection. But in the logic of propositions, the logic requires a distinction between sign, sense and denotation. Each sign is tied to something designated, known as Meaning (Bedeutung), but also the way in which it is expressed, the sense (Sinn) .
For Frege, a communication represents an increase of knowledge only when it proposes an inequality. To say that A = A is a mere tautology and expresses only the relation that a thing has to itself, while A = B implies the discovery that two different signs mean the same thing, and then the discussion focuses on the relationship between A and B.
" Let a and b the straight lines connecting the vertices of a triangle with the midpoints of opposite sides.
The meeting point of a and b coincide with the meeting point between b and c. So we have different designations for the same point and these names (the meeting point between b and a meeting point between b and c) also indicate the manner in which the point is given, so that the statement contains a knowledge effective. At this point we tend to think that a sign (be it a word, a set of words, a typeface) is connected to more than what is designated, and what might be called the denotation of the sign, also what I would call the meaning of the sign, showing the manner in which the object is given. Based on this, to return to our example, the terms "the meeting point of b 'and' the meeting point of b and c 'have the same denotation, but not the same sense. So even expressions like "evening star" and "morning star" have the same denotation, but not the same sense. Normally the ratio of the sign, its meaning and its denotation is a report of its kind: the sign is a certain way, and then this corresponds to a specific denotation, as a denotation (ie an object) should be more of a sign. A single point of different expressions in different languages, indeed even in the same language.
To express the following in a quick and accurate, we decided to use the following language: a proper name (word, sign, a complex of signs, expression) expresses its sense, it denotes or designates its denotation. With a sign we express its sense and designate its denotation. From
denotation and the meaning of a sign is necessary to distinguish the representation that is associated with the same sign. If the denotation of a sign is an object perceived by the senses, the representation that I have instead is an internal image that has formed on the basis of memories, sense impressions I had and my activities, both internally and externally. This image is often imbued with feelings, clarity of its parts is different and uncertain "Logical Investigations
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Symptoms Of Chlamydia Leg Pain?
"Hunters incorrect"!
In the last few Sundays we have often noted the increase of traffic signals
taken a shot by hunters.
this game, is becoming an increasingly common outlet of a few rude (and probably very young) hunters whose conduct, however, in recent times is muddying the honor a category that has always, especially in our area, had noble traditions. We ec.anagni c'indigniamo
volunteers for this mess, because these few elements, and hooligans in a stupid game, could also endanger the safety of innocent bystanders who happen to be on the trajectory of the shots (at head height 'man).
Just follow the road that leads to Porciano Anagni-Acuto, near the junction of the wall, on the Anagni-Palisade, on the one that leads autogrill and many other places to find bad examples of this.
These people want to say, where they were bred to have a gun license and who has to these people to carry a weapon. Gamekeeper while hunting or guarding voluntary they do?
typical example (if happened): close to a residential area on the outskirts of Anagni were reported hunters who fired without complying with the rule of distance and direction, everything was reported to a policeman hunting voluntary, but without effect. At this point, with some people around, would it not be better really close and lock all?
In the last few Sundays we have often noted the increase of traffic signals
taken a shot by hunters.
this game, is becoming an increasingly common outlet of a few rude (and probably very young) hunters whose conduct, however, in recent times is muddying the honor a category that has always, especially in our area, had noble traditions. We ec.anagni c'indigniamo
volunteers for this mess, because these few elements, and hooligans in a stupid game, could also endanger the safety of innocent bystanders who happen to be on the trajectory of the shots (at head height 'man).
Just follow the road that leads to Porciano Anagni-Acuto, near the junction of the wall, on the Anagni-Palisade, on the one that leads autogrill and many other places to find bad examples of this.
These people want to say, where they were bred to have a gun license and who has to these people to carry a weapon. Gamekeeper while hunting or guarding voluntary they do?
typical example (if happened): close to a residential area on the outskirts of Anagni were reported hunters who fired without complying with the rule of distance and direction, everything was reported to a policeman hunting voluntary, but without effect. At this point, with some people around, would it not be better really close and lock all?
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Without a favor that costs you nothing!
Thanks for helping us, for helping your land and the future of your loved ones!
Like every year we approach the tax returns of the association and we EC-anagni please donate your 5 per thousand in our favor.
doing so you'll get three favors:
- fund an organization that fights for the preservation and conservation of your territory and your home. Not so in the abstract of a territory, but the valley of the Sacco and in particular the disaster area Anagni;
- It will make a small portion of your money will remain in the territory, without going to end up somewhere. You will make a place of Anagni's richest 5 per thousand! ;-)
- If the first blank field of 5 per thousand, your money went largely lost among the thousand streams of bureaucracy, and donate to EC-Anagni you put in the hands of real people who work for nstra community. Once again, your money will not be lost!
To donate to us your 5 ‰ remember, when you do your tax return to sign the appropriate box and indicate Our Tax Code: 92038730609
doing so you'll get three favors:
- fund an organization that fights for the preservation and conservation of your territory and your home. Not so in the abstract of a territory, but the valley of the Sacco and in particular the disaster area Anagni;
- It will make a small portion of your money will remain in the territory, without going to end up somewhere. You will make a place of Anagni's richest 5 per thousand! ;-)
- If the first blank field of 5 per thousand, your money went largely lost among the thousand streams of bureaucracy, and donate to EC-Anagni you put in the hands of real people who work for nstra community. Once again, your money will not be lost!
To donate to us your 5 ‰ remember, when you do your tax return to sign the appropriate box and indicate Our Tax Code: 92038730609
Thanks for helping us, for helping your land and the future of your loved ones!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Older Goldwell Color Book
Donkeys The cross gives a damn
I found something and we have deceived the world is not 'what we were taught in school! At school we were told many
crap! They gave us each morning
strange "pink pills" and stung us with the famous "four dots".
wonder what was in there??
I think we were lab rats!
We were singing the national anthem, and telling us that we were all equal, but in the meantime the Bianconeri always won them (why?).
We were told that there was a strong good God and understanding, but I've never seen act! To blame
gave us Donkey, a donkey as if it were a creature ignorant and insignificant , said the " Men" who are also monsters and 'a compliment!
Meanwhile looked more donkeys and more I were nice, with that look calm and peaceful person who knows' long! THE
truth 'and that we are institutionalized minds and follow the current. THE
falsehood 'reigns unchallenged sovereignty, mediocrity forward like a tank!
In this false world the only truth 'are our daily troubles that chase and sometimes come to us!
Every day is fought against rabies shots and fake people, ignorant
My wife says I pissed easily, and he's right, but tell me if and 'live among normal people yelling in the middle of the stairs only to call relatives below, or if you d ev and hear every day the baker at 13: 25 that the blaring horn only to notify the housewives (and oils from rimbecillite tronista ) that must exit pe R appears his bread made with white flour and poisonous!
I could give examples at random, but I self-censorship. The
a beautiful film star dreaming of a world where "Good morning, really wants to say hello."
I found something and we have deceived the world is not 'what we were taught in school! At school we were told many
crap! They gave us each morning
strange "pink pills" and stung us with the famous "four dots".
wonder what was in there??
I think we were lab rats!
We were singing the national anthem, and telling us that we were all equal, but in the meantime the Bianconeri always won them (why?).
We were told that there was a strong good God and understanding, but I've never seen act! To blame
gave us Donkey, a donkey as if it were a creature ignorant and insignificant , said the " Men" who are also monsters and 'a compliment!
Meanwhile looked more donkeys and more I were nice, with that look calm and peaceful person who knows' long! THE
truth 'and that we are institutionalized minds and follow the current. THE
falsehood 'reigns unchallenged sovereignty, mediocrity forward like a tank!
In this false world the only truth 'are our daily troubles that chase and sometimes come to us!
Every day is fought against rabies shots and fake people, ignorant
My wife says I pissed easily, and he's right, but tell me if and 'live among normal people yelling in the middle of the stairs only to call relatives below, or if you d ev and hear every day the baker at 13: 25 that the blaring horn only to notify the housewives (and oils from rimbecillite tronista ) that must exit pe R appears his bread made with white flour and poisonous!
I could give examples at random, but I self-censorship. The
a beautiful film star dreaming of a world where "Good morning, really wants to say hello."
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Does Baby Tylenol Cause Constipation
Eementi semiotics
At the end of the first lesson will be to achieve, from a real map and scale, a new graphic image and to redesign lettering, textures, symbols and colors of the original plan, trying to follow their emotional perception of the places depicted on the map.
various disciplines have been interested in the signs.
The medical tradition was one of the first, to arrive at the diagnosis of a disease must take account of the symptoms. For philosophy, however, the concepts are also signs, and in the various religions in theological tradition, the signs have an 'important symbolic value. In the tradition
logical language, however, are the text and words to represent the signs studied.
Leaving aside the infinite field of linguistic signs, we just think of what devote time each day to play - and to produce-all signs that are part of the world in which we are immersed.
not always aware we are, in fact, but the signs and a phenomenon that has always characterized the relationship between humans and the environment in which they live (including the relationship between human beings), and in which the human eye, to say with Aristotle, is always too weak even to grasp what is most evident.
Consider, for example, the gestures, the looks, the words that come from the beloved and much reflection, that those who love without even the safety of the reciprocity of sentiment dedicated to the interpretation of these signs.
Balzac: It was good connoisseur and knew that in a sense, the nature of love is revealed in little things. An educated woman can read the future in a simple gesture, just as Cuvier could say seeing a bit of leg: this belongs to an animal of such size, etc.. (Les secrets de la prinncesse de Cadignano).
(Roland Barhes, fragments of a speech amoros or pag.187 Signs).
Reading the section entitled "Signs" from the "fragment" of Barthes, establishes the importance of the relationship in the process of signification. Speaking of signs, inevitably leads to talk of a relationship.
The natural signs, those that come from Actually, in fact, they always need to be such an interpreter, of a mind that is able to listen, watch, understand, or smoke and the smoke is no longer the sign of the existence of a fire, as the baby's cry is that, if there is no mother-she-or anyone, to interpret it as a sign that communicates a specific need.
Through the sign, also, the human mind discovers natural relations (as in the example of mother and child), or cause and effect, as in the case of fire and smoke. With the discovery of these relationships, we become able to set up new ones, no longer necessarily true, but based on the thought, the ideal type or, if you want to, conventional.
A community, for example, decide that the word house is a sign of the concept of building built as dwellings, or a white flag and surrender, or that the hourglass that appears on the computer screen is a sign that you must wait for the process of the CPU
These relationships are not natural but rather carried out by a social agreement.
With regard to linguistic signs, then, the relationship rather than being of natural origin, has a connotation replacement. A sign language, expressed in a graphic or sound engineer, often replaces something that is not perceptible at the time and place where the communication process.
I can speak of a place far away, like an exotic animal or a dress that I would buy and that is not present at the place where I talk about it.
The sign language also allows you to communicate something whose nature is not perceptually comprehensible and allows the philosopher, for example, to express concepts such as the unimaginable ol'inesprimibile. All this is due to the replacement of the absent or the nonexistent through the sign.
The nature of the sign, then, is dependent on its relationship with the object to which it relates and may be, as we have seen, that are natural, conventional replacement.
Many artists have conducted investigations in this direction, because it is obvious that the image, the picture is not often that the replacement of an absence. To tell us about the greek myth about the birth of the images and the Western tradition of portraiture linked to the funerary cults .*
Rene Magritte, conducted a comparative study between sign language and visual sign that we know is famous ceci n'est pas landed on a pipe and the famous synopses. Many other contemporary artists have devoted a lot of work to interbreeding between objects, as if the relationship between them could be the same basic principle of artistic activity. Think of the role played by the report in the objects used by Duchamp in his ready-mades (School-clothes-bottles, sticks etc).
Thomas D'Aquino, has contributed significantly to the reflection on the sign, defining it as a known thing that leads us by the hand towards something unknown.
The works of many surrealist artists, have precisely this value. Starting from the surface of the canvas, or an object, or a photograph or a film making, we are led to something else that is hidden to us, and this is precisely the function of the sign.
In the relationship between conventional signs, it does not matter what comes before or after in nature, or rather what is more important meaning of the sign or object.
If we take two objects, it's just a matter of Convention, in fact, determine which of the two is the sign of the other.
Once the Convention becomes the first sign of what I perceive and think through which the next.
The sign in itself implies something that is obvious to us but from which we then conducted to further knowledge of the other. The word elephant, for example, can make us think we know something but that is not obvious when reading a text or conducting a conversation taking place.
Umberto Eco has called the semiotic theory of lies. " In fact, if the natural signs can not lie, linguistic signs allow you to issue false opinions.
Lies, for example, can easily be conveyed by writing, as we know allows you to hide the feelings of those who communicate through it.
Example: "Of course I love you," Paul says to Sara, but then she looked away or the quivering of the voice or the fingers of his hands crossed can suspect is lying.
If this statement had been written, Mary probably would not perceive implicit messages.
But there are cases where the natural signs can mislead us, as we demonstrated Rudolf Arnheim in his diary Parables of sunlight.
Several times a day, the inhabitants of the apartment they drop on over to our floors of an object the size and sound of a knitting needle. Since this is all we know of them we took the idea that the launcher irons, a rare species of porcupine quills that launches periodic mind, or the followers of a secret society that have to appease the knitting needles or of preparing the tools to kill their enemies with a voodoo rite.
* Maurizio Bettini, "The portrait of the lover" Einaudi.
At the end of the first lesson will be to achieve, from a real map and scale, a new graphic image and to redesign lettering, textures, symbols and colors of the original plan, trying to follow their emotional perception of the places depicted on the map.
various disciplines have been interested in the signs.
The medical tradition was one of the first, to arrive at the diagnosis of a disease must take account of the symptoms. For philosophy, however, the concepts are also signs, and in the various religions in theological tradition, the signs have an 'important symbolic value. In the tradition
logical language, however, are the text and words to represent the signs studied.
Leaving aside the infinite field of linguistic signs, we just think of what devote time each day to play - and to produce-all signs that are part of the world in which we are immersed.
not always aware we are, in fact, but the signs and a phenomenon that has always characterized the relationship between humans and the environment in which they live (including the relationship between human beings), and in which the human eye, to say with Aristotle, is always too weak even to grasp what is most evident.
Consider, for example, the gestures, the looks, the words that come from the beloved and much reflection, that those who love without even the safety of the reciprocity of sentiment dedicated to the interpretation of these signs.
Balzac: It was good connoisseur and knew that in a sense, the nature of love is revealed in little things. An educated woman can read the future in a simple gesture, just as Cuvier could say seeing a bit of leg: this belongs to an animal of such size, etc.. (Les secrets de la prinncesse de Cadignano).
(Roland Barhes, fragments of a speech amoros or pag.187 Signs).
Reading the section entitled "Signs" from the "fragment" of Barthes, establishes the importance of the relationship in the process of signification. Speaking of signs, inevitably leads to talk of a relationship.
The natural signs, those that come from Actually, in fact, they always need to be such an interpreter, of a mind that is able to listen, watch, understand, or smoke and the smoke is no longer the sign of the existence of a fire, as the baby's cry is that, if there is no mother-she-or anyone, to interpret it as a sign that communicates a specific need.
Through the sign, also, the human mind discovers natural relations (as in the example of mother and child), or cause and effect, as in the case of fire and smoke. With the discovery of these relationships, we become able to set up new ones, no longer necessarily true, but based on the thought, the ideal type or, if you want to, conventional.
A community, for example, decide that the word house is a sign of the concept of building built as dwellings, or a white flag and surrender, or that the hourglass that appears on the computer screen is a sign that you must wait for the process of the CPU
These relationships are not natural but rather carried out by a social agreement.
With regard to linguistic signs, then, the relationship rather than being of natural origin, has a connotation replacement. A sign language, expressed in a graphic or sound engineer, often replaces something that is not perceptible at the time and place where the communication process.
I can speak of a place far away, like an exotic animal or a dress that I would buy and that is not present at the place where I talk about it.
The sign language also allows you to communicate something whose nature is not perceptually comprehensible and allows the philosopher, for example, to express concepts such as the unimaginable ol'inesprimibile. All this is due to the replacement of the absent or the nonexistent through the sign.
The nature of the sign, then, is dependent on its relationship with the object to which it relates and may be, as we have seen, that are natural, conventional replacement.
Many artists have conducted investigations in this direction, because it is obvious that the image, the picture is not often that the replacement of an absence. To tell us about the greek myth about the birth of the images and the Western tradition of portraiture linked to the funerary cults .*
Rene Magritte, conducted a comparative study between sign language and visual sign that we know is famous ceci n'est pas landed on a pipe and the famous synopses. Many other contemporary artists have devoted a lot of work to interbreeding between objects, as if the relationship between them could be the same basic principle of artistic activity. Think of the role played by the report in the objects used by Duchamp in his ready-mades (School-clothes-bottles, sticks etc).
Thomas D'Aquino, has contributed significantly to the reflection on the sign, defining it as a known thing that leads us by the hand towards something unknown.
The works of many surrealist artists, have precisely this value. Starting from the surface of the canvas, or an object, or a photograph or a film making, we are led to something else that is hidden to us, and this is precisely the function of the sign.
In the relationship between conventional signs, it does not matter what comes before or after in nature, or rather what is more important meaning of the sign or object.
If we take two objects, it's just a matter of Convention, in fact, determine which of the two is the sign of the other.
Once the Convention becomes the first sign of what I perceive and think through which the next.
The sign in itself implies something that is obvious to us but from which we then conducted to further knowledge of the other. The word elephant, for example, can make us think we know something but that is not obvious when reading a text or conducting a conversation taking place.
Umberto Eco has called the semiotic theory of lies. " In fact, if the natural signs can not lie, linguistic signs allow you to issue false opinions.
Lies, for example, can easily be conveyed by writing, as we know allows you to hide the feelings of those who communicate through it.
Example: "Of course I love you," Paul says to Sara, but then she looked away or the quivering of the voice or the fingers of his hands crossed can suspect is lying.
If this statement had been written, Mary probably would not perceive implicit messages.
But there are cases where the natural signs can mislead us, as we demonstrated Rudolf Arnheim in his diary Parables of sunlight.
Several times a day, the inhabitants of the apartment they drop on over to our floors of an object the size and sound of a knitting needle. Since this is all we know of them we took the idea that the launcher irons, a rare species of porcupine quills that launches periodic mind, or the followers of a secret society that have to appease the knitting needles or of preparing the tools to kill their enemies with a voodoo rite.
* Maurizio Bettini, "The portrait of the lover" Einaudi.
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