Lesson Lesson 31 March 24 March CLASSIFICATION OF SIGNS
The world of signs, from what emerges is very very complex and varied and so is one of several proposals for their classification.
From the perspective of "who does sign" or the sender, the signs can be divided into three categories: voluntary and involuntary signs, signs, intentional or unintentional, signs of expression or communication. .
The difference between the first two categories is very subtle.
Signs involuntary, as all the symptoms of disease are produced completely unintentionally, while volunteers are made aware and conscious by those issues.
The voluntariness, however, is independent intentionality, which is directed toward the interpretation of the recipient. For example, an account is how to tie his shoes for an athlete to avoid falls or injury to the ankle and another is to bring some type of lacing to follow a trend. In the first case the act is voluntary, but if you can recognize that kind of sport by the way, running shoes, a sign, albeit voluntary has not been produced with the intention of being recognized in the second, but if you want intentionally communicating something. A sign can therefore be voluntary, but unintentional, or it can be both voluntary and intentional, as when you play the horn at a traffic light. It 's impossible to think of intentional signs rather than volunteers.
A sign is not voluntary, however, is often not intentional.
E 'difficult if not impossible to think of a sign is not voluntary and intentional.
Regarding the relationship between expressive and communicative signs, we can say that all signs are potentially expressive communication. In the absence of an interpreter, however, the signs of expression are not commonly a person completely tattooed, for example, when alone at home, but it is expressive communication. From the perspective of those who receive them, but the signs can be distinguished happy in signs, signs unhappy, and competitors. Happy are those signs that are issued by the sender and interpreted correctly by the recipient. The signs "unhappy" are those that are interpreted as signs by the recipient without being such.
competitors in the category of signs are considered to be the interpretation of the sender to the recipient about a particular sign.
The signs were the subject of numerous taxonomies, starting from the most famous of Peirce, who divides them into symbols, indices and icons to the definition of a sign of Maria del Carmen Bobes Naves, which includes all the definitions of the signs in a subdivision of three groups.
A) representative or referential definitions, where the signifier refers to the meaning, or vehicle sign to the referent.
B) behaviorist behaviorist or where exactly you put in the light and the effect that the sender has the recipient sign wondering what is the purpose of communication (not about the natural signs).
C) or conventional functional definitions that indicate the arbitrariness of the sign vehicle and referent.
The number and function of the elements involved in the communication have been the subject of many studies and proposals.
note.Il reviewed the philosopher-psychologist Karl Bühler has identified three places in relation to each other by the communication process:
sender, recipient, objects and events.
The sign language can have such different values \u200b\u200band functions based on these three elements.
In relation to the object of communication, the sign may be a symbol or representation.
In relation to the issuer may be a sign or symptom expression. Any communication, in fact, born on the mood of the sender, his world view, etc.. According to the force with which the expression reaches the receiver can be signal or appeal.
symbol by virtue of its correspondence to objects and events, it is
symptom (index indicium) on the basis dipependenza its issuer, whose interior is an expression, and signal
by virtue of his appeal to the listener, which directs the behavior inside and outside.
The scheme has been extended by Bühler Jakobson, who has identified six elements involved in human communication and associated with each of them a function of the message.
Jakobson's schema elements are:
1) the sender
2) the recipient
3) the context (the universe within which the communication takes place)
4) the message (object exchange, sounds, text , how to dress etc.).
5) channel (the medium through which the communication, eg. visual noise ...)
6) code (a structured system for the production of signs as a language)
Each of these elements associated Jakobson a function:
1) emotional, associated with the sender, what he thinks, feels the symptom.
2) from the Latin-conative conor, stress-associated with the recipient on which the sender attempts to produce an effect.
3) fatigue, associated with the channel whose operation should always be verified. Es clear his throat or try a microphone.
4) referenziale.Permette refer to the context. Note that the word-Cotesta previous text or contiguous to the statement may be a case of contextualization)
5) metalinguistic makes possible the description of the code. Eg HTML, along with the code that contains a description of the code.
6) on the poetic message. Pay attention to its shape, for example looking phonetically pleasing shapes to convey a message.
Another classification of the elements of the communication is given by Shannon and Weaver, two engineers during World War II identified seven elements involved in the communication process.
1) the broadcaster, which transmits the message
2) the signal that conveys the message
3) the message
4) the recipient, the recipient of the message physically
5) the recipient to whom the message is directed
6) the source from which the issuer has heard the message
7) the noise that can disturb the message. The
noise can be technical in nature and become a real disorder or semantics, where a parallel stream of thoughts which lowers the concentration. Shannon and Weaver
means of communication as information and for information intended not so much the content of the message but the predictability of the signal. If the signal is very predictable and redundant, if it is not very predictable and entropy, the more the signal is redundant, the more one is safe from misinterpretation.
The care of the signal for Shannon and W. is sufficient to ensure good communication.
In the case of human communication, but the factors involved are many. Unlike Jakobson S. and W. do not take into account the context is so important to understand the references to shared knowledge or the subtle nuances, ironies ect ..
human communication, it is far more complex than a simple exchange of information.
The organization of the signs in the codes is a phenomenon with which we are in daily contact, just think of the great shared code as that of the road, or the Civil Code, or restricted to the code used by communities of people or military communication systems.
From a formal point of view we can consider the code as a set of elements and rules for their correct composition.
Thus, a set of terms and rules.
Morse code, for example, is a set of rules to associate codes with other signs of the terms defined by them.
While there are natural languages, the codes are not natural. In addition, some codes raise the significance and meaning in a strictly two-way relationship.
The Highway Code, for example, always associated with a specific meaning to each sign.
If a traffic sign has a blue circle in a red circle crossed out in red always mean that it is a driveway. E if a metal sign with this sign is placed on a gate we can not interpret it based on its position or because he wants to wear its colors always say to free the passage. Street signs have only two states: active or inactive.
codes often have a clause that allows you to determine which signs belong to a given set, or that code, and then contain a criterion of decidability.
If starting from any element can determine whether or not belongs to a code, your code is fully decidable. In Italian, for example, there are two criteria: if a word has more than four consonants in a row, or if you have more than five vowels in a row does not belong to the Italian language.
So we can generate a lot of signs or words, but not all will be pertinentizzati in a certain language.
If you look at a traffic light for example, we see that about eight combinations, while only three or four are in a pertinetizzate signicato.Un traffic lights can be turned on with all three lights simultaneously, or in pairs, or one by one, or off, but all the traffic lights were not those who use our traffic laws are not useless, but they serve to indicate a malfunction in a redundant fashion.
remains valid for any code, the analysis showed that Charles Morris about distinguishing the study of human languages \u200b\u200bin:
syntax- study of the relationship of a sign with each other.
Semantics-study of the relationship between a sign and its meaning
Pragmatics-the study of a sign in relation to those who use them
In the case of traffic lights the syntactic and the way in which they alternate the lights, the meanings are the syntactic color, pragmatics is their use in specific cases.
For example, if a person is coming to an intersection with a green light to the other side and saw a truck that has no intention of abiding by the traffic lights, even if the code suggests to pass, will no doubt do so.