Science that has as its object the study of signs, their classification, comparison, and analysis of
all processes in which the signs are involved. We can recognize in it two principles:
A) the classification of signs as semiotic
B) semiotics as an investigation of communication processes.
This discipline covers the fields of systems to identify compounds and to study the signs their internal relations. She is also to explain the communicative acts as practical uses of signs. According to Jakobson
semiotics to the existence of different systems of signs and wonders about the problem of the sign as a general concept than the particular classes.
Semiotics deals with signs without stated, leaving the linguistic study of linguistic signs and especially the historical and natural languages. Next we find that at the end of semiotics semiotics of French origin, which focuses on the linguistic dimension philological than philosophical. The French tradition of semiology
born with Ferdinand de Saussure, the first professor of linguistics at the University of Geneva. De Saussure is the proponent of a model in which the sign consists of signifier and meaning, where meaning is the concept which the sign relates and the signifier is the vehicle through which meaning is evoked.
The linguistic sign unites not a thing and a name, but a concept and an acoustic image This is not the sound material, which is purely physical, but psychic trace of this sound, the representation given to us by the testimony of our senses.
For de Saussure, a linguistic system that can operate it is necessary that the signifiers are different from each other, it considers the links between conventional and arbitrary meaning and significance. A sign is because this is another sign. Illustrates this principle with the example of chess.
If I lose or break your horse on a chessboard, I can replace it with a button or a bottle cap, but not with a tower or a pedestrian, on pain of equivocation.
The modern tradition of semiotics, Peirce Peirce.Secondo came into being with the sign is the result of an interaction of three elements, the vehicle sign, the interpretant (which may be another sign or just the thought of who implements the sign) , and the contact person, that is the real object.
between meaning and significance, there is no direct link but there is more than half a mediation, an access to reality, finding the meaning of a sign, therefore, always requires the intervention of an interpretant.
We can represent the triad of Peirce's semiotics through a triangle, the so-called semiotic triangle:

Gottlob Frege To the contrary, are connected to the sign the denotation of the sign and its meaning.
Frege called Sinn and Bedeutung sign the meaning of the reference object. Each sign is tied to something designated, known as Meaning (Bedeutung), but also the way in which it is expressed, the SENSE (Sinn). This is because the effect may vary even if it is related to the same object, because communication is never neutral and the contact person can be reached through different paths, then the way is the way in which the object is given to us. "The arrangement of words in general is not indifferent," because each type of composition of the same words corresponds to a different logical connection. But in the logic of propositions, the logic requires a distinction between sign, sense and denotation. Each sign is tied to something designated, known as Meaning (Bedeutung), but also the way in which it is expressed, the sense (Sinn) .
For Frege, a communication represents an increase of knowledge only when it proposes an inequality. To say that A = A is a mere tautology and expresses only the relation that a thing has to itself, while A = B implies the discovery that two different signs mean the same thing, and then the discussion focuses on the relationship between A and B.
" Let a and b the straight lines connecting the vertices of a triangle with the midpoints of opposite sides.
The meeting point of a and b coincide with the meeting point between b and c. So we have different designations for the same point and these names (the meeting point between b and a meeting point between b and c) also indicate the manner in which the point is given, so that the statement contains a knowledge effective. At this point we tend to think that a sign (be it a word, a set of words, a typeface) is connected to more than what is designated, and what might be called the denotation of the sign, also what I would call the meaning of the sign, showing the manner in which the object is given. Based on this, to return to our example, the terms "the meeting point of b 'and' the meeting point of b and c 'have the same denotation, but not the same sense. So even expressions like "evening star" and "morning star" have the same denotation, but not the same sense. Normally the ratio of the sign, its meaning and its denotation is a report of its kind: the sign is a certain way, and then this corresponds to a specific denotation, as a denotation (ie an object) should be more of a sign. A single point of different expressions in different languages, indeed even in the same language.
To express the following in a quick and accurate, we decided to use the following language: a proper name (word, sign, a complex of signs, expression) expresses its sense, it denotes or designates its denotation. With a sign we express its sense and designate its denotation. From
denotation and the meaning of a sign is necessary to distinguish the representation that is associated with the same sign. If the denotation of a sign is an object perceived by the senses, the representation that I have instead is an internal image that has formed on the basis of memories, sense impressions I had and my activities, both internally and externally. This image is often imbued with feelings, clarity of its parts is different and uncertain "Logical Investigations
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