Wednesday, March 31, 2010
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INDEX (signals)
Unlike other types of signs, the signal has a feature that is not only represents a direction of communication, but an order, a prohibition or a 'warning. In its form, both as a sign that such registration, the signal is imposed in the field of vision as' observer almost against his will. We move at speeds that are not natural ones, and the time needed to recognize the mind of a dangerous situation is no longer commensurate with the speed of travel, indeed, is often higher than the human capacity for reaction. The signal has the task, then, to provoke a reaction in the observer immediata.Come new feature of our environment, traffic signals have significantly influenced the structure of our perceptions. They can be ordered in a hierarchy on the strength of the prescription, and then classified as shown in the examples of typical signs of Frutiger ban (forbidden to enter, stop, parking is prohibited) prohibition qualified (only for deliveries, residents only); explicit ban (prohibited roundabout turn left) prescription (single-lane speed limit) information (dangerous intersection curve); direction (signposted, information about places and distances). The shapes of the panels of the signals, take into account the intensity of the visual. The circular panels, which have some similarity with an open hand, are more visible than the background. The circle and the oblique line in a more marked contrast with the urban environment, and so many sign panels with a content of prohibition are drawn in a form that captures the attention, such as diamond or triangle. It is interesting to note that a triangle with the top down raises the strong impression of a command, while the inverted triangle at the top has a meaning of warning. One reason for this effect is attributable to the traditional form of the village, with sloping roofs and the quotes above, a familiar form that has its place in the human subconscious (see drawings in Adrian Frutinger Signs & Symbols, and Alternative Press ..) square or rectangular shapes, however, tend to be overwhelmed by the overall landscape of the city, which mostly consists of forms of the same type. The primary coÌore red is chosen as the most characteristic prohibitions for instructions or warnings of danger from the quantitative point of view, red is This only points in the natural landscape and not in large areas, existing only in exceptional situations, such as flowers, always as the primary color. The color green, however, which is always visible in the wild in large areas, is not suitable for signage, the color blue is used only for the signals of an invitation or direction.
For dozens of years, half of the pictographic signs for information leading to an overall change in reading habits and we can say that it is not possible to give information without the use of a number pictograms. The pictograms are becoming more and more in directional and informational signs. The main reason for this popularity is the necessary limitation on the size of the panels and the fact that they must bring the information in summary form. The second reason for the increased use of pictograms is the difference between languages. Roads and railways, sea and air routes across the borders of nations, peoples and languages. Entries require multilingual support large and the information loss of clarity. Air traffic may be an exception, as it entrusts the understanding of a bilingual system, formed from time to time by the national language and English, now considered the international language of air. There is also a new branch graphic design, said wayfounding, which is the study and application of psychological knowledge and perception that are used for proper and effective interior and exterior signage. One of the most important factors to consider in designing the modern guidance systems is a kind of anxiety that can be called "neurosis the doorway." The psychological attitude of a person who seeks the path is different depending on whether you are inside or outside a building. Until that is located outdoors, the ability of independent decision remains fully visible and the external environment is a definite point of reference. Entered into a building for the first time, however, the visitor tends to lose confidence in their decision-making capacity and is forced to ask for help and guidance. In most cases an officer will try to request information verbally. At airports and train stations to the emotional factor is particularly important, as a result of lack of time or fear of flying or taking the wrong train. The visitor to a public office, the post office at the police station and hospital, but loses some of its sense of direction and seek verbal information.
The image as sign, as part of a communications system, has considerable value embossed. It is attempted to study this power to shock but to be very cautious as a sign, the image implies a weakness, we say that a major difficulty lies in its polysemic character. An image radiates different ways, which do not always know to master this way, what the image gains in impressività often loses clarity. And do not forget that communication is only one aspect of language. Language is also a faculty of conceptualization, organization of the world, and thus is much more than simple communication. The animals, for example, communicate well with each other or humans. What distinguishes man the animal is not communication, and symbolization, that is not the invention of signs analogue At present, the image falls mainly in the sphere of communication. It has been said and repeated that we have entered into a civilization of the image. But he never forgets that there is virtually no picture without words, be they in the form of legend, comment, sub. According
Tomas Maldonado "phonogram is a graphic whose referent is an expression of phonologically. For example, the word 'stop' on road signs, pictograms and an iconic sign whose referent is an object or a particular class of objects or yet the particular quality or action that the class of objects may designate. For example, the graphic representation of two children in the running to school on road signs indicate output E. ..] finally is a graphic diagram not iconic or low degree of iconicity. Normally, the diagram is used to describe an event or process or how or where you play an event or process. On road signs, for example, the triangle to signal danger 'generically. The second group mentioned by Maldonado, includes signs that, as a realistic figure, usually in the form of silhouettes, leave no doubt about the meaning, regardless of the language and way of life of those who sees them. A cigarette crossed out and the receiver of the phone are information that has become universally understood. The third type includes diagrams whose meaning is not comprehensible at first glance and requires some mental work. This is the case of traffic signs as those for 'priority' and 'traffic in both directions'. In this group there are many examples of signs whose meaning remains doubtful many people even after many years of use. For example signals consist of a combination of abstract elements or indicators that are not based on pictorial but abstract signs, which require an adequate learning time. Once absorbed into the subconscious, as the signs of the alphabet, But they are included immediately. The clearest examples of this category are the signs of 'one-way street' and 'forbidden direction', now even used for footpaths, universally known and respected. the red, yellow and green traffic lights in the same category of signals from the conventional meaning. The sign of the arrow, can be included in the same group. Complex problems arise pictographic design when it comes to services rather than specific items, eg 'customs',' Lost Property ',' self-service ',' waiting room ',' baggage ',' luggage in custody '. The problem of indicating the toilet will probably never be solved except through verbal cues, because the distinction between men and women, represented in the West with pants and skirt, does not work everywhere. It was precisely the need to find appropriate answers and meaning of Bili, non-repetitive or trivial, to specific needs in the field of signs, which is increasingly required in today's world and that has led many renowned designers and visual spend money in hand ' last decade as a classical repertoire of signs, such as those for public transport or road traffic, no sinking their origins in the pioneering efforts of the Italian Touring Club of the late nineteenth century, in the twentieth century to find a fertile ground for development in the 'Vienna method "by Otto Neurath, later known as Isotype, International System of Typographic Picture Education," a world language without words "designed for the statistical representation (see Men, pictograms of 1936 designed Dutch Gerd Arntz 11900-19881). But this is not enough to explain the peculiar attraction that features pittogrammatica, over a more recent time, the personal research of many contemporary charts. The best series of pictograms for air traffic, according Frutiger, is that developed by the American Institute of Graphic Arts as legislation for the United States (see images). Also apply Here, however, all the various reservations already expressed about the efficacy of different types of signs.
signs on street maps and pictographic systems to guide visitors, signs for the operation of devices.
The reaction of the traveler to the signs printed, we can in a sense be regarded as virtual signals, is fundamentally different than the real signal to the public. Public systems of signs require immediate recognition chin in traffic, while the signs printed, viewed in the situation is calmer, may have contained much more complex. A time card or car may make use of signs for the purpose of guidance or information, with explanation their meanings in other parts of the document, as in the footnotes of the books. The collection of information and the planning and preparation for a trip takes place in an atmosphere of relaxation, almost meditative, while the journey itself subjects the traveler to set conditions of time and place, as its dependence on traffic rules and punctuality of public transport. The signs for cards and car for the times, however, must be simplified in the more stylized form as possible, as shall be kept legible at small sizes.
In the context of increasingly frequent organization of large groups of people for cultural, sports or political, is increasing the need for new guidance systems. Because such events are limited in time and space, and they expect visitors relaxed, willing to have fun, it is our opinion that the design of information systems should be entrusted to local designers, original signs that carry out explicitly. (See pictures) should be respected, however, one exception: the provision of safety, for obvious reasons, must have a strong international standardization.
A modern washing machine or stereo equipment are hidden inside the cabinet. The diagrams of the electrical system that are given with the device can be read only to specialists and for this reason are often hidden inside the unit itself. The fact remains that the modern equipment becomes increasingly abstract and complex and must therefore be accompanied by detailed instructions. The design and preparation of these statements are delicate and difficult for any manufacturer. A typical example of the contradictions involved is the use of colors. The experience of the road, people have learned that red means stop and green moving, while red is in electrical contact, ie movement (instead of stop), and the green inactivity. Similarly, the instructions for turning a knob to cause many problems. Descriptions and explanations often lead to verbal instructions clumsily expressed and even incomprehensible because of poor translations, and so each manufacturer tries to develop pictograms do not need words. It will take generations to achieve a general and unified solution to this problem, especially with regard to the learning process, as it should be started afresh, with practically every type of device. The standardization of graphic signs, however, advances in a variety of fields and it seems that the basic rules of a language universally understood signs have been taken.
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