Monday, July 26, 2010
Math Problems With Aquarium In It
Howl apologizes for the lack of recent weeks but the heat also gripping his ruined castle does not have air conditioning ... Thanks to fresh air these days, Howl is back in the saddle and ready to plant its sign somewhere!
Attention Howl has been captured by the clamor caused by the PDL statements made by Mr Fabio Granata this past July 19:
"There are parts of the state, government and politics that are doing everything to hinder the investigation of the massacre of D'Amelio and create conditions to discredit the judiciary. "
This sentence and the impact that has had on the Italian political scene has hit Howl for several reasons.
Meanwhile Mr Granata realizes only now that the government and the key roles of the state there are people from the past, say, troubled. One example is the senator Marcello Dell'Utri ... Secondly, the furious reaction of many in the words of the PDL of Grenada. Foreign Minister Frattini said :
"We can not accept those who simply foreshadows the danger that there is collusion with criminal circles, (...) We are convinced that a big party should encourage the free expression of thought, not continuous and constant internal opposition. "
The vice chairman of the Senate of the PDL even stated:
" At this point I hope that, as they would in any combination and as required by the statute, the grain will be immediately referred to the Board of Arbitrators of the PDL for appropriate disciplinary action, so that we do not create the precedent that a member of our party continues to undermine the credibility of systematically attacking his own colleagues as was the case in this circumstance. "
These (and other) positions to the words of Grenada have really stunned Howl. A politician complains about some form of facilitation by organs of the Italian State in a vile murder and his colleagues how they respond? "It 's a troublemaker! Fall into line or out of the party whip "This episode
set in motion the thoughts of Howl and led him to do a broader reflection on the development of Italian politics. E 'be noted that now the "party line" is no longer a "guide" to follow but has become an iron rail on which our politicians do not want or can not deviate.
Often the statements of party leaders are echoed by his teammates as if they were pearls of absolute truth, without being analyzed or interpreted in their true impact on society.
"Nuclear power is the energy of the future," thunders the leader and all its MPs do just that dogma, defending it with drawn sword, though until a few years before they were strong supporters the exact opposite (in this respect is all too easy to quote a spokesman for the People of Freedom Capezzone, former secretary of the Italian Radicals). The cartellaio might take other examples, but be sure that you understand what you're talking about.
God gave man free will and free thought, politics took him!
A Howl of the humble opinion of any political projects need to be weighed and analyzed primarily by members of his party and later in more detail, the opposition and the parliamentary debate. They take ideas as if they were gospel truth: no one evaluates the social aspects of the situation, it is not calculated the cost and especially in economic terms it is no longer the political debate. The theme of federalism, it is a prime example: no one knows how much will it cost us, no one knows if it brings real benefit to the state and citizens, and no one opens a serious debate on its real function.
The policy should be an exchange of ideas of elected representatives of citizens on matters affecting the welfare of the Italians. In Italy, this vision was lost for a long time ...
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Ap® Biology Lab Manual Diffusion And Osmosis
We have already had occasion to talk about the initiative Anagni Safe, initiative of the City of Anagni is the promoter and which we are in the forefront of voluntary participants.
And taking a cue from this initiative, we would like to report a series of actions that if taken could certainly give us a more beautiful and safer Anagni.
This leads to a short list that we would like to present volunteers to mentor "Alessio Fenicchia" and below we
The road signs, in different parts of the town of Anagni, is not adequate to the needs of our community.
as stipulated under the "road signs must be maintained in good working order by the authorities or forced merchants to its installation and must be placed by sos or reinstated or removed when it is inefficient or even partially no longer meets the purpose for which it was placed "
There are many critical situations where the signs do not appear to be adequate, here are some points that we would like to point out:
1. Parking for the physically handicapped in Onorato via Cape, near the 'entrance to the emergency room of Anagni: item reserved for the handicapped is really uncomfortable, partly cobbled, partly concrete and asphalt, the point is very narrow, it is difficult to get off the car, figure to get a wheelchair or a wheelchair. You could try to make life easier for those who need to use them;
2. Honored Again as a Chief (Hospital Admission) Regenerating the Roundabout not up to standard: it is dangerous because it is far too low, not bears no signs of vertical neither of airfield lighting, they suggest that the substitution of recycled plastic modules for the construction of roundabouts (as the material is semi soft and low, even if it does not damage the car users) or, alternatively, creating a mini rot ers flush. "
3. Place the walkway that goes from the intersection of the center "ASL CUP" in the way of health to cross toward the Center for Employment ", often choked with cars, very often the pedestrian is forced to spend on the road
4. We noticed that in Viale Regina Margherita many beds are not cared for, some shriveled, severed from the other passers-by trampling through them, etc.. we would like to suggest an initiative where the protagonist is the city itself: "We take care of us our beds, enticing people to" adopt "the flower beds as a responsible citizen. Similar initiatives in other municipalities seem to have a good success.
5. upgrading the crossing point of the piece No. 1 in Street (opposite the pharmacy) and its extension through Viale Regina Margherita. It 's a cross visibly dangerous, especially for the elderly , and extremely inconvenient for the disabled and wheelchairs. Could be useful to a ramp instead of the current central and lateral scales would solve many problems without people who can not climb the stairs (the elderly, wheelchair) to pass on the road in the middle of the curve. Moreover, even the entrance to the sidewalk on the right track V.le R. Margherita (ex Quattrocchi) would need to be amended allowing its use for the less skilled.
6. clean and reactivate the existing public toilets in Viale Regina Margherita, (or remove) and also a car park in San dotarne Giorgetto
7. To restore and reactivate the fountain in the park Memorial
8. Finally we believe it is necessary in general to improve the visibility of all road signs, such as near schools and pedestrian crossings to improve road markings, with special reference to the strips that surround the parks (especially those reserved). In addition, the bus stops would need to be retrained, place the markings, placing the shelters and urging service providers to reposition the service hours at bus stops.
Friday, July 23, 2010
What Women Think About Shaved Genitals
Noto Administration initiated the project "Safe Anagni.
This is an initiative strongly supported by the Town Council, the Mayor Carlo Noto, and the Adviser with responsibility for Security of the Territory Alessio Fenicchia .
"Anagni Safe" has the objective the recovery of degraded areas, safeguarding the country's cultural, awareness raising in schools video surveillance and monitoring activities through various strategic points in the country.
Councillor Alex Fenicchia collaborates of: Civil Protection, Ministry of Education and many voluntary associations in a coaching job with the civic workers.
Among the groups participating, Ec-Anagni is a leader with great enthusiasm and we join in this initiative ferns can again be useful to our country.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Rosetta Stone Rsd Files Extension
Strabilioni millemila of stars and galaxies to the twentieth. How many hidden things of the universe? Every night, before turning his eyes on the pillow, Howl targeting light fields of the sky, wondering what and how many forms of life may hide. Because if you had imagined already good Giordano Bruno. If life exists on planet Earth that you can not have exclusivity. Mind away from the iconography of improbable fantasy films, it is said that the aliens are green and stranocchiuti. If there are, then they could be infinitely different from the human form, or minutely subtle macroscopic dimensions. and flying saucers? Howl And who knows? He has never seen. Once a gas station gl'ha said of having a stocked for him and changed the oil filter, but the Cartellaio remains skeptical. Extraterrestrial life might be the most abstract and elusive and distant and alien within the meaning of man.
Howl is safe not to have discouraged. Tell the truth, you have some curiosity Mars there too. Rascals! So, as Howl and how much of the scientific world, you too would like to know if there are little green men. Well, there are two ways to find them. The first is to call the switchboard of Area 51, Howl at the time but has lost the number. The second is to listen to the radio. You may think that both solutions are unlikely and fantastical. Well, you will be denied.
Hear! [literally] Hear! Otherworldly If there are life forms could be heard radio. You got it. We tuned to the frequency of 1.420 GHz and try to pick up signals as emblematic, for example, a series of peaks or energy to follow a regular schedule established as the sequence of prime numbers (1, 2, 3, 5, 7 etc.). You may wonder why 1.420 GHz? Because this is the frequency of neutral hydrogen, ie the one with which the electrons travel the hydrogen orbit around their nucleus. It 's a universal constant and the frequency "spread" of the universe, therefore it is assumed that any form of life he developed technology should be aware of.
to operate in this way is a group of "amateur" far that naive. SETI scientists are (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence), which since 1960 pointing their telescopes toward the heavens, with the aim of recording any signals broadcast by advanced alien civilizations. It was said at the beginning that alien life forms might have structures very different from ours, but it is equally undeniable that the possibility that there is other to the extent of our "senses." If launch messages, or simply hits such as Life on Mars David Bowie, there are those of the SETI
data to be analyzed are divided into small packets and sent to subscribers around the planet. Their computers will analyze them and send back the results of their calculations. So, where does not get a single super computer will reach millions of ordinary computer from home and office. But who are these members? Wonder of wonders: are you and your friends. And 'Just download and install the software on your computer and a small part of it will work automatically for the SETI do not have to do is turn on your PC and connect to the Internet. The program is very light and everyone can participate. It is estimated that, thanks to the 5 million and 200 thousand subscribers, the computing power of SETI @ home program was approximately 770 TeraFLOPS, ie 770 thousand billion operations per second! Other than calculators, gentlemen. Between a reading on a sign and looking through facebook, your winning computerino could take the signal and make it known to the proper authorities in real time.
Many of you will say yes but it is almost impossible that there is someone else in the universe of intelligent . Howl At this point I would suggest the Drake equation, which calculates how likely is it that there are alien life. The equation takes into account the frequency of habitable planets around stars, the number of stars per galaxy, the number of galaxies in the universe, the odds on these planets develop life and more. In conclusion, our galaxy alone could provide between 100 and 50,000 forms of intelligent life. Especially do not forget that the universe there are 400 billion galaxies. To you the difficult multiplication.
think about the importance of this project: unable to contact, or at least to listen, an alien civilization. Be sure not to be alone in the universe. If it is not deserving of assistance from this cause, Howl does not know what else could be.
To download: SETI @ home
Read more: Italy Official Web Site SETI
To assume so more: Equation of Drake
Howl has already installed the software on your computer. From the sky will look tonight and will be more peaceful. Rest your eyes and sharpen your ears. Maybe you soon forget the invisible program that runs in your PC, but one day could not believe his ears. Or perhaps, more simply, when a scientist staring him contact you to tell him we have picked up something , alienating think it was a joke. But it is said. ET may be out there chatting with the stars. Will not you have one, just a chance to hear what he says?
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Best Blu Ray Player For Upconvert
We happened to be called frequently to accompany various police agencies such as municipal police , brigade of f uoco , carabinieri and police , guard of finance body and the forest been . For us, training and rewarding volunteers, besides pride, alongside these bodies, whose professionalism and devotion to their work place daily.
job done despite the many difficulties that are faced with daily, first of all deficiencies of staff and funds with which these bodies are fighting every day in an effort to be able to offer citizens a better service. With this
volunteers ec.anagni hope that the institutions responsible fail to understand that the funds allocated to these bodies are not costs but investments , and as such returns to the territory in the form of greater security and less social cost of crime .
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Temperature Goldfish Respiration
- "The of the Italian Senate Marcello Dell'Utri is a mafia?"
- "Yes, but only up to '92 ..."
- "Ah I see ... So it's a mafia?"
- "... No, it came out ..."
- "That has repented?"
- "No! Just said enough, I will no longer make the mafia ..."
- "Are you kidding?"
- "No no! I think the only person who has managed to escape without being killed by the Mafia and without raising his voice
- "I mean, you want me to say that the mafia has worked for 20 years with Dell'Utri, has made progress in the Italian hierarchy, it helps to '92 and just when the party is preparing to build more powerful than the history of the Republic has ever had, well I want to say that when it comes to this summit, let it go ????"
- "Yes .. Why? I do not seem so absurd as what ... "
-" Okay, but now they also condemned in the second degree, you will be resigned as a senator ... "
-" No no! Indeed! The Prime Minister, the press, many politicians and TG showed the solidarity!
- "I'm sorry but I have to throw up ..."
This surreal imagery and dialogue is what's going on in his head when he imagines Howl to speak with various government officials and journalists who have tried to minimize the sentence to seven years in prison for the PDL Senator Marcello Dell'Utri .
fact in the appeal process Dell'Utri was found guilty of collusion with the Mafia, which means that you are guilty of the offense of criminal association aimed at promoting a criminal syndicate, but did not become part of the same . The real problem is what? Because many Italian newspapers and politicians persist in saying that the judiciary has lost its battle in court? Why were used all possible phrases to avoid saying the word GUILTY? Furthermore, because no one has asked for the resignation of Senator? Howl you that the next levels of jurisdiction to which it may use the defense of Dell'Utri is the Supreme Court, which decides on the merits (guilty or innocent), but in the form (procedural errors etc...)
We try to give an answer to the many questions that should not be placed because of Falcone and Borsellino in the country should beat kicks in jail a man who was considered an auxiliary of the mafia and not raise him as a martyr of justice. Excuse if Howl does not elaborate on the speech by names, dates, and providing the documentation, but these are public domain, can be found easily on the Web Remember the motto of Howl, "the important thing is to think."
Many have cried out to the "acquittal" of Dell'Utri, given that the PM had asked for a more severe penalty as a result of its investigations, which were intended to demonstrate a "direction" mafia likely to weave Cosa Nostra deeply with the highest ranking politician of the then faltering Italian State (we are in the two-year period from 1992 to 1994). Such accusations were / are supported by the statements of at least two repentant between which Gaspare Spatuzza, which, however, (unusually) has not been heard by the courts because he was considered "unreliable", although not considered reliable for statements of someone hearing it ... The courts have rejected the hypothesis accusing convicted Dell'Utri only for events that took place until '92. But as we asked one of the two protagonists of the initial dialogue, why the mafia had given up a "winning horse" just as they crossed the finish line? In fact, if you ask the same Senator Dell'Utri, saying after the ruling by the judges:
" Judgement Pilate, inconsistent. The judges will make me go to the Mafia until '92, but fall in contradiction: if true, the mafia would not have dropped right in '92, when he could expect in the real benefits of power, politics. "
In fact, his interpretation is flawless! How does someone considered , tested, working with the Mafia until '92 to come out just when it becomes so important? It 's the question that the judges will respond with the reasons for the sentence.
However, he sentenced a man to seven years instead of 12 does not mean to perform. It 's like a defendant accused of murder were found guilty of manslaughter. The difference in punishment is the intention of the murderer could be different, but the substance does not change: the man has killed one person and the victim is dead. Senator Dell'Utri was convicted, not of all the crimes imputed to him, but it certainly was colluding with the Mafia. The substance does not change. Favors by the mafia and the mafia were made. And here comes the Italian press and television news.
Howl invites you to see the link below.
In the service of the TG1 is even talk of acquittal. Open Studio on the video but I leave that to your comments (especially the part concerning statement that defines "crime questionable" the Mafia).
The question unfortunately does not end here. In fact, in the light of the events described above, any opposition voice in Italian politics has risen strongly to ask for the resignation of Senator Dell'Utri. No parliamentary question on the case has been requested. That can all happen in a democratic country, West Africa? Some, even in opposition, must account for these serious shortcomings.
Howl realizes that the castle does not recognize the entire accusatory presented by prosecutors could be a blow to the investigations, but is also aware of the enormous difference that exists between someone feel guilty for some of the allegations and it is innocent. Howl it fails to realize how this difference can evade the Italian media. Possible that there is so determined to attack the judiciary, which, Howl at pains to emphasize, is only doing his job? And 'in fact the same Dell'Utri to put at stake the Italian justice saying
"They had also to absolve the' first 'in 1992, but did not have to give a sop to the public prosecutor. To avoid the slap ... The problem is the prosecutor. Caselli and Ingroia are powerful, able to affect the environment. I hope not to find a judge to the Supreme Court of Palermo " .
We got to the point where if a judge considered a suspect guilty, not guilty of the accused had held a reprehensible conduct, but it is the fault of the judge observed, judged and punished?