Strabilioni millemila of stars and galaxies to the twentieth. How many hidden things of the universe? Every night, before turning his eyes on the pillow, Howl targeting light fields of the sky, wondering what and how many forms of life may hide. Because if you had imagined already good Giordano Bruno. If life exists on planet Earth that you can not have exclusivity. Mind away from the iconography of improbable fantasy films, it is said that the aliens are green and stranocchiuti. If there are, then they could be infinitely different from the human form, or minutely subtle macroscopic dimensions. and flying saucers? Howl And who knows? He has never seen. Once a gas station gl'ha said of having a stocked for him and changed the oil filter, but the Cartellaio remains skeptical. Extraterrestrial life might be the most abstract and elusive and distant and alien within the meaning of man.
Howl is safe not to have discouraged. Tell the truth, you have some curiosity Mars there too. Rascals! So, as Howl and how much of the scientific world, you too would like to know if there are little green men. Well, there are two ways to find them. The first is to call the switchboard of Area 51, Howl at the time but has lost the number. The second is to listen to the radio. You may think that both solutions are unlikely and fantastical. Well, you will be denied.
Hear! [literally] Hear! Otherworldly If there are life forms could be heard radio. You got it. We tuned to the frequency of 1.420 GHz and try to pick up signals as emblematic, for example, a series of peaks or energy to follow a regular schedule established as the sequence of prime numbers (1, 2, 3, 5, 7 etc.). You may wonder why 1.420 GHz? Because this is the frequency of neutral hydrogen, ie the one with which the electrons travel the hydrogen orbit around their nucleus. It 's a universal constant and the frequency "spread" of the universe, therefore it is assumed that any form of life he developed technology should be aware of.
to operate in this way is a group of "amateur" far that naive. SETI scientists are (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence), which since 1960 pointing their telescopes toward the heavens, with the aim of recording any signals broadcast by advanced alien civilizations. It was said at the beginning that alien life forms might have structures very different from ours, but it is equally undeniable that the possibility that there is other to the extent of our "senses." If launch messages, or simply hits such as Life on Mars David Bowie, there are those of the SETI
data to be analyzed are divided into small packets and sent to subscribers around the planet. Their computers will analyze them and send back the results of their calculations. So, where does not get a single super computer will reach millions of ordinary computer from home and office. But who are these members? Wonder of wonders: are you and your friends. And 'Just download and install the software on your computer and a small part of it will work automatically for the SETI do not have to do is turn on your PC and connect to the Internet. The program is very light and everyone can participate. It is estimated that, thanks to the 5 million and 200 thousand subscribers, the computing power of SETI @ home program was approximately 770 TeraFLOPS, ie 770 thousand billion operations per second! Other than calculators, gentlemen. Between a reading on a sign and looking through facebook, your winning computerino could take the signal and make it known to the proper authorities in real time.
Many of you will say yes but it is almost impossible that there is someone else in the universe of intelligent . Howl At this point I would suggest the Drake equation, which calculates how likely is it that there are alien life. The equation takes into account the frequency of habitable planets around stars, the number of stars per galaxy, the number of galaxies in the universe, the odds on these planets develop life and more. In conclusion, our galaxy alone could provide between 100 and 50,000 forms of intelligent life. Especially do not forget that the universe there are 400 billion galaxies. To you the difficult multiplication.
think about the importance of this project: unable to contact, or at least to listen, an alien civilization. Be sure not to be alone in the universe. If it is not deserving of assistance from this cause, Howl does not know what else could be.
To download: SETI @ home
Read more: Italy Official Web Site SETI
To assume so more: Equation of Drake
Howl has already installed the software on your computer. From the sky will look tonight and will be more peaceful. Rest your eyes and sharpen your ears. Maybe you soon forget the invisible program that runs in your PC, but one day could not believe his ears. Or perhaps, more simply, when a scientist staring him contact you to tell him we have picked up something , alienating think it was a joke. But it is said. ET may be out there chatting with the stars. Will not you have one, just a chance to hear what he says?
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