Saturday, July 24, 2010

Ap® Biology Lab Manual Diffusion And Osmosis

ideas for a more beautiful and safer Anagni Anagni

We have already had occasion to talk about the initiative Anagni Safe, initiative of the City of Anagni is the promoter and which we are in the forefront of voluntary participants.

And taking a cue from this initiative, we would like to report a series of actions that if taken could certainly give us a more beautiful and safer Anagni.

This leads to a short list that we would like to present volunteers to mentor "Alessio Fenicchia" and below we


The road signs, in different parts of the town of Anagni, is not adequate to the needs of our community.

as stipulated under the "road signs must be maintained in good working order by the authorities or forced merchants to its installation and must be placed by sos or reinstated or removed when it is inefficient or even partially no longer meets the purpose for which it was placed "

There are many critical situations where the signs do not appear to be adequate, here are some points that we would like to point out:

1. Parking for the physically handicapped in Onorato via Cape, near the 'entrance to the emergency room of Anagni: item reserved for the handicapped is really uncomfortable, partly cobbled, partly concrete and asphalt, the point is very narrow, it is difficult to get off the car, figure to get a wheelchair or a wheelchair. You could try to make life easier for those who need to use them;

2. Honored Again as a Chief (Hospital Admission) Regenerating the Roundabout not up to standard: it is dangerous because it is far too low, not bears no signs of vertical neither of airfield lighting, they suggest that the substitution of recycled plastic modules for the construction of roundabouts (as the material is semi soft and low, even if it does not damage the car users) or, alternatively, creating a mini rot ers flush. "

moduli in plastica riciclata per la realizzazione di rotatorie

mini rotatoria

3. Place the walkway that goes from the intersection of the center "ASL CUP" in the way of health to cross toward the Center for Employment ", often choked with cars, very often the pedestrian is forced to spend on the road

4. We noticed that in Viale Regina Margherita many beds are not cared for, some shriveled, severed from the other passers-by trampling through them, etc.. we would like to suggest an initiative where the protagonist is the city itself: "We take care of us our beds, enticing people to" adopt "the flower beds as a responsible citizen. Similar initiatives in other municipalities seem to have a good success.

5. upgrading the crossing point of the piece No. 1 in Street (opposite the pharmacy) and its extension through Viale Regina Margherita. It 's a cross visibly dangerous, especially for the elderly , and extremely inconvenient for the disabled and wheelchairs. Could be useful to a ramp instead of the current central and lateral scales would solve many problems without people who can not climb the stairs (the elderly, wheelchair) to pass on the road in the middle of the curve. Moreover, even the entrance to the sidewalk on the right track V.le R. Margherita (ex Quattrocchi) would need to be amended allowing its use for the less skilled.

6. clean and reactivate the existing public toilets in Viale Regina Margherita, (or remove) and also a car park in San dotarne Giorgetto

7. To restore and reactivate the fountain in the park Memorial

8. Finally we believe it is necessary in general to improve the visibility of all road signs, such as near schools and pedestrian crossings to improve road markings, with special reference to the strips that surround the parks (especially those reserved). In addition, the bus stops would need to be retrained, place the markings, placing the shelters and urging service providers to reposition the service hours at bus stops.


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