Friday, June 25, 2010

White Spots On Right Tonsil

, work behind barbed wire: the second North Korea Kim Jong-il Nuclear

unfortunate players in North Korea at the World Cup. As you call them? Howl paints them miserable. That great robber of Kim Jong-il, dictator, president of the Asian nation, he thought about how you organize the expedition to South Africa. A country whose government can aspire to the rank of "absolute" must above all manage the agreement. To check the mood of the people is a state of serenity induced by force. Bell'ossimoro, But there are areas of the world where the contradictions are not seen as such. Do not worry, if I have a missile ready .

Back down to earth, as it comes to football. Totalitarian regimes have always seen sporting events as a threat or an opportunity. Recall the infamous Hitler Olympics of '36, which hung over slender blonde hardening Aryan athletes from other countries, or better, than other nations. The force was to be represented and the Germanic man boasted, as if to say to the world see what he is capable of making the pure-bred . But sporting events can also be a threat, they said. Because if you can not influence the results the field, or manipulate, rather, the problem for a totalitarian country is pretty big. The sports team is traveling in an international extension of a people. A losing football team is equivalent to losing people. And one gets angry with people losing their heads.

Kim Jong-il would never achieve a thing. So he took simple but effective measures. First, the games should not have been broadcast live, and so was the opening match with Brazil lost 2-1. Of this meeting was sent only a summary, showing only the goals Korean (Howl unfortunately can not guarantee the certainty this statement because large absolute shortage of sources). In view of the world's enthusiasm also arrived in the Far East, given the joyful faith response by the people in the team, it was decided to submit, however, live in the second game. A disaster. The Korean team limps and haul down the flag in the second half, which sees the Portugal end the challenge with an intoxicating 7-0. Well, the fourth goal of the Iberian commentary has been lost. Howl also has news about the possible disruption of the video signal.

This policy-dictatorship did not stop people's enthusiasm for football. A sport that brings together, for dreaming desired goals never achieved the austere daily life. For second game the streets of Pyongyang have been transformed into a desert. They were all watching TV. Perhaps hoping that the Dear Leader Jong-il did not pull the plug.

If things went well at home, we shed light on how the players were for the national team. We all know the comfort of withdrawals of the football teams at the World Cup. Luxurious hotel, green fields of training and so on. In this case no. The stadium is chosen for the preparation of Tembisa, located in a notorious slum, 50 km from Johannesburg, in the midst of a criminal calling area, where whites do not dare to penetrate. Not only that the stadium is surrounded by barbed wire. You have understood perfectly. Would wonder For what purpose: to avoid the onslaught of local gangs or to prevent the escape of any player likely dissident? Not by chance the item is turned four athletes had escaped from the withdrawal. To prove that no one has escaped has been granted a training session in open court, but even the FIFA commissioner involved in the screening technicians is prepared to swear, given the difficulty of identifying the players. Even the hotel is more "serenity." It was chosen one out of the limelight and surrounded by police, a building in which the press can not access.

These are just a few, but significant effects of censorship. Kim Jong-il wanted to recreate in microcosm the isolated South Africa North Korea. The illustrious precedent dating back to World Cup '66, when the Asians got another historical classification as in 2010. Even then, the team was isolated from the rest of the world, to preserve the values, so that players do not "fall into temptation" in contact with western luxuries. A statistic: then it was North Korea to eliminate us. Howl had promised not to speak of the Italian national team in this post, but at least a metaphorical reference, having made yesterday by our lean figure, had to be done.

The World Cup is an opportunity to learn about other traditions. Most likely, we remain dismayed penisolani nell'appurare these things. Howl reminds you, however, that here is being approved a law that attacks on press freedom. Strong words, which assumes the responsibility. We will talk about the sign, do not worry. The Korean example is a warning, even if it is an extreme case. But Howl trusts you, you know how you think, or at least if you wish. In any case, try to watch and talk about it. Rifiutamo edittatoriale each line.

Monday, June 21, 2010

First Time Shaving After C Section


On 9 June 2010, the Constitutional Court has ruled that nuclear is not the urgency of Italy.
At least it is not so urgent to get around the application of Italian laws, as they believed the Council of Ministers and the former Minister Scajola. With the ruling

215 9 June 2010, the Supreme Court ruled that the implementation of the process of emergency planning and development of lines and energy production "must be taken following procedures to ensure the participation levels of government involved by means of sincere cooperation ".
Basically it means that, while not denying that the emergency procedures should be implemented, they are still concert with the local authorities.
You can not circumvent the principle for which the legislature must cooperate with the regions where they have to legislate on competing with the central government.

addition, the ruling states that if actions are taken so urgent implementation of the same can not be done with private capital, as the legislative instruments do not have the immediacy required by the change and dall'aleatorietà faced by private funds.
Please note that under the critical interventions for which the Government adopts special procedures need to be funded with public money.

The government also adduced as a reason to use the urgent procedure, the fact that the legislation "the production, transmission and distribution of energy 'was lagging with European standards. The Court, however, stressed that the legislative gap is a previous situation, which can not be resolved by a special procedure, especially when it violates the "principle of cooperation" between state and regions that have legislative competence in this field competitor.

In short, the ruling says you can not build nuclear power plants without first consulting the local institutional bodies, it is said also that to implement the emergency procedures (to circumvent many "nodes" bureaucratic) we have need that there is indeed a situation of urgency and the construction of a nuclear reactor, which requires 20 years, is not among them. Finally it is stressed that the implementation of these special procedures should be made through state funds and not private, because they are subject to the "whims" of the market and are difficult to reconcile with a rapid and immediate management of any emergencies.

A modest opinion of Howl, this is a ruling in favor of true federalism in the sense that it gives power to the "owners" to decide what to put in your garden. It 's a way to restore a minimum of democracy and fairness in dealings state / city. Just as the citizen is not going to choose the host tends to the House, so the Government should not impose choices that the vast majority of Italians ball with a popular referendum in 1987.

Link: 215 Constitutional Court ruling. =

PS Ideally citizens should be able to choose the curtains of the House, but it would be difficult to agree to the tastes of 60 million people in a referendum ...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Best Espresso Machine Under 200?

dangerous traffic

We would not be more catastrophic than usual but you must be blind not to realize that there are major anomalies in the municipal area that should be resolved, or occasionally patrolled by the police authorities.
We refer to some dangerous situations that occur daily in traffic Anagni.
The first concerns the way of Via Health (CUP high street store and GL): there is no sidewalk, and despite the fact that for some years been made of metal barriers to protect pedestrians, now the obligatory route for pedestrians left the road, which is very busy and narrow. Just passed through the moments of greatest frequency (the time peak of revenue to schools and expenditure) for them to remain locked.
The other critical point is at rush hour Porta S. Francis, where is the stop for buses, school buses, the two rows of parked cars adjacent to the bar and the van of selling fruit and vegetables, all in full curve.
In both of the points listed daily traffic situations occur extremely dangerous with a little 'common sense could be avoided. And the good sense, with the presence of traffic wardens, it is known that increases a lot.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Synyster Gates Hair Howto

L'Aquila obscured ... Ucci Ucci

Ten thousand, fifteen thousand, twenty thousand!

Many people who were on June 16 took to the streets in L'Aquila to apply for suspension of payment of contributions and for the release of funds for reconstruction. The Aquila

only ask fair treatment: the return to the state by citizens of fees and mortgage rates in Umbria was after 12 years, 40% and in 120 installments.
citizens of L'Aquila, however, have extended the suspension of payments until December but only for self-employed and earning less than € 200,000. And the others? In July will begin paying the outstanding amount in 2009 and 2010. As if the earthquake had struck only the self-employed. If the shops are still closed and employees have not yet resumed work, such as paying taxes and rates? In fact
32 000 people still in need of assistance in L'Aquila. Despite the claims of the proclamations of the press, we are still living in hotels in the Abruzzo coast. If these people back to work should certainly incur substantial to get to work.

The Aquila took to the streets. Without political or trade union banners and the city's mayor Massimo Cialente not even wearing the flag in protest. Strong signal if you think about it. The parade through the town, came to the highway and blocked the A24 for an hour. Then the protesters did turn around and returned to "home . No fights, no riots. Everything was done civilly.

Yet this event is to be constantly on alert for escaped RAI journalists ... Indeed, neither
on RAI 1, RAI 2 on either said it was a word of the parade. TG No one said anything. Probably without any news of the celebration of "reconstruction" L'Aquila does not deserve any space in the media. So to remind
TG RAI L'Aquila still exists we thought the infamous "people" on facebook, flooding message page TG 1, and had to force the administrators to close temporarily.
Yet even this has stirred the director Augusto Minzolini. He simply ignored the facts. Good thing for a journalist!

The lack of information from the public service has apparently triggered reactions in the capital city of Abruzzo, leading to the birth of the movement "NO L'AQUILA? NO FEE RAI where administrators Aquila invite users to" pay the rent Rai until is returned by the public the right to dignity events happening in our city. "
A modest opinion of what is sacrosanct to the Howl! The public service must inform the public of what happens in Italy Italian. Howl think a parade of 10-20 thousand people affected by an earthquake that take to the streets to ask for an extension to pay the taxes, is a most important news of trends on coats for pets (and Howl is not joking about this last comparison in As the service on clothing for animals is really aired on TG1).

The proposal not to pay fees RAI has come up in city council with an agenda that calls for across presented to the Mayor and City Council to "take a path of civil disobedience against the state television with representatives of the Board of the City Council of the City of L'Aquila and Aquila to block the payment of the fee Rai in Italy until democracy is restored, which now has been denied the right to prohibit. "

Howl follow this battle. E 'duty to be informed clearly and openly about what is happening in L'Aquila and what they are doing with the money of the Italians.

Link: NO L'AQUILA facebook page? NO FEE RAI

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Do I Have To Wear A Thong With A Dress

Catholics and Blues Brothers

always love the film and My very special ranking called "movies to be saved", there is the wonderful film The Blues Brothers .
few days ago, the famous film made 30 years and I was looking for nice vedermelo, when I read on the internet this sensational news !!!!!! Here
here! Here we go again
still feared Catholics to 'boarding , their greed has no limits, absorb everything that exists, and' their stuff, for who knows what God's plan, faith, God (if any) and 'only their Catholic God and now even some movies are them!
But no, not live in a dictatorship, let alone Catholic, then even in Italy !!!!!
MUST be after this outburst to better analyze the words of our friend, a Catholic journalist blues man - brothers.
now analyzing all certain explain a little 'film, so for those who have not yet seen (I'm sorry pe r him) suggest to stop here!

He says "The clues are not lacking in a work where the details are certainly not random," ok if there is a script and 'obvious that the film will not ' random, but we see these Details: 1

"To start with framed photos of a young and strong John Paul II in the house of 'guest - Sicilian accent and dressed in black, so Catholic - by Lou ' Blue ' Marini ".
detail I would call this idolatry and bigotry that have nothing to do with faith and God, even the Camorra and the Mafia have houses full of figures of Jesus and Popes Pius P. , so what?
If Catholicism and 'this .....
2 "side of the small and Penguin (Mother Superior of the dreaded' orphanage ed.) brothers Blues are capable - we read - touching of attention "
Now we have to watch the video above and we note that our two heroes nice rising from Penguin with almost a kind of fear terror fors and know that the Penguin will 'bad with them? You will remember his manners certainly not loving?? They are in front of the Penguin
, she sat almost even greets them, and 'stern, angry look black, sarcastically says he is glad to see them, and above all is straight to the point and says he wants the County 5000 dollars for an unspecified fee.

Elwood asks why 'is not the Bishop to think about it, but obviously the Mr . Bishop points out how the Penguin not 'concerned to fundamental Catholic education of poor orphans, because wants to make cash by selling the property to Ministry of Education (and therefore not paying taxes earning money). THE
penguin then the terror of ending up as a missionary in who knows what places (Africa, Latin America) then it follows that loves life in the city 'instead of helping poor children in poor areas! The two
(educated by Catholic principles intransigent ) to point out that there are problems and take the sum the next day, but not Penguin will accept 'their dirty money ever stolen and began to beat wildly ! Evidently the
Penguin knew the habits of the two, educated by Catholic principles of healthy

3 Elwood so do not forget a terrible cream cheese commissioned by an old friend
But having an old friend and 'a prerogative only Catholic ??????

4 Elwood, the most gallant, even waiving the adventure with a charming young lady - the 'mission from God'
Elwood robs the chick in question and then 'logic that must run before you even noticing.

Finally I would not bore you with all history of film, but I would conclude with one thought:
whole film revolves around a famous mission from God, when " Joliet" Jake and Elwood Blues go to church Baptist Triple Rock. Once there, they are illuminated by a divine light.
Apart from that go to a Baptist church and non-Catholic But then God has sold its rights to the Catholic Church ???????

I have come to a conclusion, and I and the journalist Gian Maria Vian we saw two different movies! A film
hymn to liberty 'and free music can not' be trapped in a very specific religious category!! We release the film by fundamentalisms
Viva il cinema!

NB However the film in question is not 'at the top of my list!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pokemon Crystal Gameshark Files

I smell ... problemucci ...

Our media, in these days of excitement worldwide, seem to be distracted. It seems to have escaped all the TG that Palermo is submerged by waste. Howl today its plan to sign deal with this quite embarrassing.

Palermo's start by saying that the situation is not an "emergency", but a chronic condition that the city brings with it, unfortunately, for many years. The real trouble began in February 2010 with the failure paying the salaries of employees of Multiservice Environmental Hygiene (AMIA) in Palermo, who went on strike, effectively crippling the collection of waste in the Sicilian town.

In almost all areas of the city of Palermo basic services offered by sanitation workers have been suspended; rubbish began to grow on the side of bins, bringing havoc in the light of Neapolitan memory. The road maintenance work, such as the rebuilding of road markings shall be suspended indefinitely because they were contracted AMIA. The collection (this utopia!) Is completely suspended. Only 25 auto-compacting provide service to a city of nearly 700 000 population.

Many citizens' committees were formed to encourage local authorities to bring to remedy the situation, but it is news today, it seems that the mayor Diego Cammarata has left for South Africa to follow the best in the travel blues rainbow country. That is, tell me if Howl has got it right: your city is submerged by waste and the mayor, the mayor, he goes on vacation! Howl is perplexed by the lack of reaction of the media. Meanwhile, the citizens of Palermo

requested the installation of security cameras to identify, or at least deter, those bulky waste dump in the street.

The situation, as you'll see, is not very rosy. Yet the national media about this business do not deal at all. A city, capital of the province and the regional capital of Sicily, suffocating under tons of garbage and no TG devotes 30 seconds even in the edition of midnight. The thing, pardon the British humor, for Howl stinks.
The government of doing, the Government of the ultimate resolution of the waste problem in Naples has not arrived here. Perhaps because here we do not have scapegoats to blame? In Palermo, the center-right governing from time immemorial, so the situation can not be attributed to the notorious opposition sperperona. The commissioner in the capable hands of Bertolaso \u200b\u200bis not even feared as a hypothesis. Members of Parliament will not devote any attention to the problem.

possible that no one can see (and smell) that in Palermo there is a problem?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Fibreglas Tape Removal

An investment for the future: new Curia inherit the student's home

It 'time for Howl, to address a sensitive subject. He hopes to be essential, without running the risk of ending in unnecessary. Today we are speaking of L'Aquila, namely building the legacy of what has been accommodation of many boys. stable than what could be done oceanic considerations, but for now the Cartellaio decides not to address them. Let's talk about this, without forgetting the past. As you know, on November 4, the Lombardy Region has given to the new L'Aquila Student House, the San Carlo Borromeo. There are some things to say, the folders now hangs here.

The first thing that came to mind was how nice , finally returning to the University of L'Aquila have an accommodation of their own . Sighed legitimate yours. Howl like to know that no brakes, but the facts forced him to be unpopular. Why? Now I'll explain.

It 's very likely that new housing will not be the most deserving students, the rankings to take part are altered by special logic, totally different from those that have been taken so far. To decide who will and who will remain outside the Curia Aquila. You got it. The Curia de L'Aquila, Regione Abruzzo not. Follow the reconstruction below.

The new student house is situated in pairs in an area owned by the Church. Virtually the Curia has granted a loan for thirty years of his land, after which it will return possession of property of the Curia. Now, Howl know what you are brilliant. You will already be concluded that if the land will revert to the Curia, Curia will be back to what it contains, ie the student dormitory.

Another question. The facility was built with funding - public - of the Lombardy Region and cost 6 or 7 million €. In fact, the inauguration was also attended by Roberto Formigoni, as is well known. So there arises a very simple question. This blessed Lombardy Region, in practice, who donated the building? In the Abruzzo region? Only formally. In fact it seems not. On balance, the student house was donated to the Curia Aquila, even if it is not the owner for thirty years. But it's only a matter of time. It 's like the rent for thirty years. Sorry for the further simplification of the issue. I have a plot, you have the money to him. I grant you the land without let you pay, you there build. No matter who you are, Mr or Mr. Abruzzo Lombardy . What matters is that I want it in thirty years the land that I gave you, with all that is over. We agree? Howl think like you: a good investment for the future.

The Devil's Advocate you might say but the Church with his land we can do whatever he wants. Okay, we force things and say agree. But there is another issue that nobody talks about. Many lands were expropriated for Aquila nell'intorno be used for the much needed reconstruction after the earthquake. Why not those of the Curia? Howl insists emphatically, Why? There seems to be something below. It 'obvious. Reconstructing the upstream issue, the curia not lost ground by granting advance for thirty years. After this time you'll end up with no one put it in that land taken away and beyond. It will also have a beautiful modern and functional in its possession. The

not expropriation, acquisition of property with the money of the state, go to condense in an aura of ambiguity. In short, "Money of State Affairs of the Church," as they protested at the time the representatives of the Union of University Students. The move has not gone unnoticed. After three weeks has opened an investigation against unknown persons for the crime of embezzlement. The prosecutor is investigating, we'll see.

little while ago it was said that the Curia will have a beautiful building in its possession. And in the meantime? It's not over here. In the meantime, is content to administer it. It 's the Curia establishing the logical access of the boys, he was referring to this sad Howl in the second paragraph. The selections are not made according to the criteria in force at the time of the previous student house. There were, as was the normal case, a set of requirements developed by the Company for the right to higher education. There, now, Howl and leaves you every deduction, an access policy developed by the Church.

Howl think, and accept all criticism in the matter, which should not be a Curia to decide who can take advantage of the rental service in a university context. Here you do not want to be anticlerical flag. There is no intention to attack free ensemble that governs the souls on Earth. Spread the word, explaining the Creed, that Howl does not discuss business. Do not discuss them because they are things "other." Here, rather, we speak of those rocky coves of the coast. It 'just that the sea water from entering the mainland? Howl does not know. It 'just that the Curia Aquila succeeding in certain areas? Howl pretends not to know, but knows that.