Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pokemon Crystal Gameshark Files

I smell ... problemucci ...

Our media, in these days of excitement worldwide, seem to be distracted. It seems to have escaped all the TG that Palermo is submerged by waste. Howl today its plan to sign deal with this quite embarrassing.

Palermo's start by saying that the situation is not an "emergency", but a chronic condition that the city brings with it, unfortunately, for many years. The real trouble began in February 2010 with the failure paying the salaries of employees of Multiservice Environmental Hygiene (AMIA) in Palermo, who went on strike, effectively crippling the collection of waste in the Sicilian town.

In almost all areas of the city of Palermo basic services offered by sanitation workers have been suspended; rubbish began to grow on the side of bins, bringing havoc in the light of Neapolitan memory. The road maintenance work, such as the rebuilding of road markings shall be suspended indefinitely because they were contracted AMIA. The collection (this utopia!) Is completely suspended. Only 25 auto-compacting provide service to a city of nearly 700 000 population.

Many citizens' committees were formed to encourage local authorities to bring to remedy the situation, but it is news today, it seems that the mayor Diego Cammarata has left for South Africa to follow the best in the travel blues rainbow country. That is, tell me if Howl has got it right: your city is submerged by waste and the mayor, the mayor, he goes on vacation! Howl is perplexed by the lack of reaction of the media. Meanwhile, the citizens of Palermo

requested the installation of security cameras to identify, or at least deter, those bulky waste dump in the street.

The situation, as you'll see, is not very rosy. Yet the national media about this business do not deal at all. A city, capital of the province and the regional capital of Sicily, suffocating under tons of garbage and no TG devotes 30 seconds even in the edition of midnight. The thing, pardon the British humor, for Howl stinks.
The government of doing, the Government of the ultimate resolution of the waste problem in Naples has not arrived here. Perhaps because here we do not have scapegoats to blame? In Palermo, the center-right governing from time immemorial, so the situation can not be attributed to the notorious opposition sperperona. The commissioner in the capable hands of Bertolaso \u200b\u200bis not even feared as a hypothesis. Members of Parliament will not devote any attention to the problem.

possible that no one can see (and smell) that in Palermo there is a problem?


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