Friday, June 25, 2010

White Spots On Right Tonsil

, work behind barbed wire: the second North Korea Kim Jong-il Nuclear

unfortunate players in North Korea at the World Cup. As you call them? Howl paints them miserable. That great robber of Kim Jong-il, dictator, president of the Asian nation, he thought about how you organize the expedition to South Africa. A country whose government can aspire to the rank of "absolute" must above all manage the agreement. To check the mood of the people is a state of serenity induced by force. Bell'ossimoro, But there are areas of the world where the contradictions are not seen as such. Do not worry, if I have a missile ready .

Back down to earth, as it comes to football. Totalitarian regimes have always seen sporting events as a threat or an opportunity. Recall the infamous Hitler Olympics of '36, which hung over slender blonde hardening Aryan athletes from other countries, or better, than other nations. The force was to be represented and the Germanic man boasted, as if to say to the world see what he is capable of making the pure-bred . But sporting events can also be a threat, they said. Because if you can not influence the results the field, or manipulate, rather, the problem for a totalitarian country is pretty big. The sports team is traveling in an international extension of a people. A losing football team is equivalent to losing people. And one gets angry with people losing their heads.

Kim Jong-il would never achieve a thing. So he took simple but effective measures. First, the games should not have been broadcast live, and so was the opening match with Brazil lost 2-1. Of this meeting was sent only a summary, showing only the goals Korean (Howl unfortunately can not guarantee the certainty this statement because large absolute shortage of sources). In view of the world's enthusiasm also arrived in the Far East, given the joyful faith response by the people in the team, it was decided to submit, however, live in the second game. A disaster. The Korean team limps and haul down the flag in the second half, which sees the Portugal end the challenge with an intoxicating 7-0. Well, the fourth goal of the Iberian commentary has been lost. Howl also has news about the possible disruption of the video signal.

This policy-dictatorship did not stop people's enthusiasm for football. A sport that brings together, for dreaming desired goals never achieved the austere daily life. For second game the streets of Pyongyang have been transformed into a desert. They were all watching TV. Perhaps hoping that the Dear Leader Jong-il did not pull the plug.

If things went well at home, we shed light on how the players were for the national team. We all know the comfort of withdrawals of the football teams at the World Cup. Luxurious hotel, green fields of training and so on. In this case no. The stadium is chosen for the preparation of Tembisa, located in a notorious slum, 50 km from Johannesburg, in the midst of a criminal calling area, where whites do not dare to penetrate. Not only that the stadium is surrounded by barbed wire. You have understood perfectly. Would wonder For what purpose: to avoid the onslaught of local gangs or to prevent the escape of any player likely dissident? Not by chance the item is turned four athletes had escaped from the withdrawal. To prove that no one has escaped has been granted a training session in open court, but even the FIFA commissioner involved in the screening technicians is prepared to swear, given the difficulty of identifying the players. Even the hotel is more "serenity." It was chosen one out of the limelight and surrounded by police, a building in which the press can not access.

These are just a few, but significant effects of censorship. Kim Jong-il wanted to recreate in microcosm the isolated South Africa North Korea. The illustrious precedent dating back to World Cup '66, when the Asians got another historical classification as in 2010. Even then, the team was isolated from the rest of the world, to preserve the values, so that players do not "fall into temptation" in contact with western luxuries. A statistic: then it was North Korea to eliminate us. Howl had promised not to speak of the Italian national team in this post, but at least a metaphorical reference, having made yesterday by our lean figure, had to be done.

The World Cup is an opportunity to learn about other traditions. Most likely, we remain dismayed penisolani nell'appurare these things. Howl reminds you, however, that here is being approved a law that attacks on press freedom. Strong words, which assumes the responsibility. We will talk about the sign, do not worry. The Korean example is a warning, even if it is an extreme case. But Howl trusts you, you know how you think, or at least if you wish. In any case, try to watch and talk about it. Rifiutamo edittatoriale each line.


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