hypothetical Howl At a time was at the bar for a coffee with a robot. His name Maid-Kun, a good guy. Very friendly, explained that his dream was to take a walk on the moon. In peace, as one who would do once finished with Howl coffee.
You are skeptical. It is not the fault of Howl if things are too strange addition to being true. Solidarized a bit 'with this writer and the Robot dreamers are therefore hope. Who is dreaming? The android or who created it? We forgive the man, who sheds his ego on the robot, and robots in space.

Sorry for the double meaning, but the mother of the project is SOHL ( Space Oriented Higashiosaka Leading Association ), an association formed by six private companies related to space research. The expedition will cost $ 10 million. The goal is to develop new technologies and applications, while others say that it will have a promotional purposes only, since the mission add nothing of tangible knowledge. Perhaps here the right way in between. Surely everyone will have a clear economic advantage, since private companies. But given that in the future robotics will be a science that increasingly crosses the path of man, expedition might bring some benefit.
Guess' on Maido as a means of travel. You've already read the title and there you have been disrupted. In fact the principle behind the sailboat space is easy to understand. We have a cage with a real sailing, which absorbs energy from the sun. This triggers the propulsion. An example of this type is Ikaros - space yacht powered solely by the pressure of solar particles - which started a week ago at a time to bring Akatsuki of Venus, the spacecraft that will explore the atmosphere. The spacecraft, whose name pays homage to the famous greek myth, is driven by men on Earth.
Rather than bombard the heavy reading descriptions, the Cartellaio suggests emphatically this video. Seeing is understanding: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuZjJl7ZnQQ .
Okay, roared the man of the future too ... Let's go back to something more "simple." Here is Ikaros: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktYBObIHjYw
Howl thinks flavorings and spices space evoked by the cafe with Maida, who one day may be eaten on board a ship full of tourists, excited to travel to the Moon. But these, for now, are just fantasies difficult to explain. Surely it is easier to set sails.
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