A big cock is better than a thousand fountains? Nuclear
The cost-benefit analysis is what distinguishes our lives.
Any action taken by the person who is not motivated by sentimental reasons, should follow a simple argument: how hard can I obtain a specific goal? What do you gain from achieving this goal?
for the actions of each individual's response to these questions is almost always subjective and as such (almost) final.
When these questions are being asked to analyze a public good, however, demand should not be subjective, but must follow a sound and possibly must correspond to a predetermined plan.
Howl continues with the analysis of energy sources available by moving from the concept: there really need to build new power plants?
Howl tries to proceed with order.
We start from the nuclear power plant how much it costs? To build a nuclear power plant will spend on average (depending on which sources are taken as reference) 250 / 350 million euro and it takes team (on average) 10 / 15 years to build.
fission power plant annually requires about 150/200 tons of natural uranium, which is listed on the market about $ 150 per kilo. This means that every year should be $ 30 million purchase of uranium for each nuclear plant.
costs of decommissioning plant are around 550/750 million dollars. It depends on the technology used to build the plant and the state. It should be noted that a power sooner or later must be dismantled because the security requirements do not allow a nuclear installation to be patched.
The costs of nuclear waste are not known, nor is it the cost of their environmental impact, if there were to be any serious accident. In each work station
100/150 employees, each with a variable salary, but do not have to hold Howl believes in the group costs the honest work of any law-abiding person. A central
, summing up, it can cost more than a half billion euro ... However, it can also produce 1.5 gigawatts of power, which is 1500 megawatts, 1.5 million watts, stating the average cost per kilowatt hour for around € 0.03. Only coal-fired and hydroelectric allow a lower cost of around to € 0.02.
Now we turn to an example of renewable energy: photovoltaic panels.
A solar panel costs an average of 12.15 thousand euro.
On average, domestic plants produce 2.5 kilowatts using 25/30 square meters. Much still depends on the technology used.
costs to be incurred, amortized once the initial investment, are only those cleaning and routine maintenance of the panel.
However, on balance, the cost per kilowatt produced with solar is around € 0.50 and the system can be used only on sunny days.
Now, in the light of this information, ask yourself the following question: to fill a tank you need to force open a big cock? Or you can use thousands of jets? And again, if the tank has holes, what should I do? Open the tap or more stages before the leaks?
Relate these questions to the energy question: if every house was under construction in Italy with a photovoltaic system, possibly aided by a mini-mini-wind or geothermal (Howl in the next post will explain the operation of the latter) what would happen? If every building was designed to achieve maximum energy efficiency, how much energy would be saved? And do not talk about figures stratospheric! A house costs a sustainable 10-15% in more than a house of equal floor area built with conventional techniques, the speech is that the environmentally friendly energy has little or no cost! Imagine how much money your family would save by not paying the electricity bill ... Now multiply by 60 million Italian citizens.
This is the true relationship cost / benefit !
There is no need to build new power plants, you need to rethink the use we make energy. If you need to light up a room because they use a technology that consumes 100 watts, when we lay use one that uses 15?
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