" Who are you?"
"I Vincenzo Peruggia !"
"With two G?"
" Exactly!"
" And what makes the Mona Lisa under his coat ? "
" No, I have stolen for patriotism. "
That good fellow knew a lot of Vincent, in 1911 when deflower the kind of security barriers in the Louvre. I wonder how he was, as long as there were. I wonder if he thought at least one and a half. He took the precious trinket and took him home to Florence. were the years of good times, it was industrial art , the wind that starts to smell bad fortune of war. Monnalisa Shortly after she was found under the bed with two dell'imbianchino G (Howl hopes that the lack of commas does not lead to ambiguity), and still kept his smile, but who knows if the experience was like ...
Alas, history teaches us that art thieves are not all naive as Vincenzo Peruggia. Last night they stole five paintings by Museum of Modern Art in Paris. And pictures, gentlemen! A Picasso, a Matisse, a Braque, a Leger, a Modigliani. The repute of the latter has disappeared, "Lady with fan ", you will know for sure. A shot to the heart, to another portfolio. It is estimated that the total value of stolen property is beautiful scams on the 500 million euro.
The dynamic of the fact you know? It 's just crazy. A man came out of the window has been done for a walk undisturbed even without paying the ticket, during which he identified with care the works to be withdrawn. He broke the glass insulation, which hear hear! , was not even connected to the alarm system. With a good cutter and with painstaking care has cut the canvases from the frames, then put them in a simple bag. The cameras have taken over the little happy event, but the robber had a ski mask. Of course, the videotapes were viewed only this morning. A bit 'too late.
Howl simple reason and asks, but how the hell do you keep half a billion euro no alarms? Anywhere contains values \u200b\u200bso lavish is attacked, let alone what happens without protection! Sorry for the triviality of these expressions.
Pierre Cornette de Saint-Cyr, head of the museum, described as "stupid and useless " the crime, since these paintings can not be resold. Howl risk of falling into the network of internal controversy. But he can not think that they are useful or inconvenient, thefts are ever stolen. If the paintings were not to be found, the human race who will pay for this mess? The low tracking a heritage like that is beyond description.
" No one can think of selling these pictures, that's why I say that is stupid steal them," he said Saint-Cyr said. But it is so safe?

" Modigliani with a long neck, like new,
real deal, 250 million .
All Quiet on the Western Front , you will think, but the type of buyer-type framework of a virtuoso is always the private purchaser. Howl has done some research to understand this mechanism, but had no simple answers. Some unscrupulous rich people buy their works for pure personal enjoyment.
have at home, in a room inaccessible and secret, a painting or a work of art which the world speaks, it is terribly attractive. The work is sublime of his own, let alone with the craving that you can see yourself, in your den. I just got to admire without the heavy aura of those lost faces that meet at the museum. Away from those guys with eyes and head facing up, and the jaw to the ground. Bad image. Penetrate a framework alone, however, should be a little 'how to spy on a naked woman from the keyhole. The knowledge that they alone in the world to be able to enjoy these forms results in a surplus of excitement.
Remember what of the type de The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe? Howl hopes these Villainy the same fate.
Urca, we have guests! Are below and are preparing to climb. They have a uniform gray and a green beret. Howl is absent for a moment, as you will excuse. The time to transfer the Dali from neighbors and back.
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